
Evolution's the best
22.01.06, 2:48 pm

I downloaded the Marilyn Manson version of Tainted love this morning, as they played the Soft Cell version on the ice skating programme last night (Hannah and Vicky made me watch it whilst I ate my incredibly nutritious and mature tea of fishfingers and wedges), and I really love the Manson version of it. I then downloaded The Beautiful People, which is the other Manson song that I really like, and I get the feeling that I�m really freaking Becky out by playing them. She�s probably going to pray for my soul at church today. Oh, it really needs it.

Speaking of Becky, we watched the Richard Dawkins programme on the evils of religion together when it was on last Monday. It was probably a bad combination people-wise, seeing as I was all �Woo evolution! Evolution�s the best! I did two modules of evolution for my extra credits and think it�s just super!� and Becky was all �The bible doesn�t say that! That�s wrong. And that�s wrong. It�s not like that either. Yeah, and that�s wrong.� She then phoned her evangelical mother and talked about the programme for a good hour. And yeah okay, some of the stuff he was pointing out and dubbing an evil of religion was a little extreme, but there�s still a lot that I can�t believe Becky believes in, such as no sex before marriage, or that homosexuals are fundamentally wrong and consequently aren�t allowed to have any kind of relationship.

We had a big discussion-bordering-on-argument about the whole gay thing a little while ago. I swear she doesn�t actually believe in the stuff she talks about; it�s more brainwashing from her parents, but that�s not the point� actually on a side note her mum scares our whole house rigid, and Hannah nearly bolted out the house once when she said �fuck� accidentally in her vicinity. Maybe my views on it are so strong because my best friend�s gay, I don�t know, but I have a hard time understanding how she can sit and say that gays don�t deserve a relationship, and that they have to go through life celibate and constantly apologise for being gay. It�s so fucked up, and it makes me wonder if she thinks that kind of thing when Lisa�s up, whether she sits there silently disapproving. And the whole thing�s just generally annoying because Becky�s actually a lovely person despite the religious baggage, and we do get on really well.

There�s your serious portion of the entry. And I just Googled Richard Dawkins to check I spelt his name right and saw that he was born on the same day that I was. I have nothing else to say to that other than well in.

Mel�s come down with conjunctivitis, which she�s not happy about in the slightest, and we currently have an eye drops issue. She�s meant to put them in once every two hours, and after trying out her hand-eye coordination and getting it in her mouth decided to hand the job over to me.

Me: Okay, lie on my bed and keep your head still. And try not to touch my bed too much, because I don�t want to get it as well (yes, I totally missed my Florence Nightingale calling).
Mel: Okay, we have to do this every two hours for two days, and then every four hours for four days.
Me: Jesus, really? Well, this can only strengthen our friendship, all this intimate time we�re going to be spending together with your eyes. *pause* Don�t touch your eyes. Don�t touch my bed.

I should talk about Rich. Rich, who asks, �How are you and Paddy doing?� every time I speak to him on MSN, and who texted me last night at about quarter to one saying �Hey Hol, are you still awake? For some reason I can�t stop thinking about you this evening. What you up to?� Luckily I was asleep, but I still managed to wind up having a sex dream about him last night, which didn�t help matters at all. And right this second, I�ve decided to tell him about the sex dream on MSN, because I�m a big galumphing fool who�s too honest for her own good. He�s going to propose the sex thing again soon, I can just tell.

Have my next exam on Thursday, and I�m actually quite concerned about this one because there�s a hell of a lot to learn, and I don�t think I can learn it all properly. Think it�s going to come down to a matter of luck with the questions as to whether I do well or not. I wish I could get more stressed about it though... it�s like I know there�s a lot to do, and I know I don�t have a lot of time, but I still can�t really be arsed to work every second of every day. Instead, I go have 30-minute breaks pissing around on Maria, who I�ve fallen head-over-heels in love with. I was playing and singing to Fields of Gold yesterday and succeeded in nearly making myself cry, although that was probably due to the wonderfulness of the song and not the wonderfulness of my playing. Still, I like to think it was a mixture of both though.

Should probably go embrace the big R, seeing as I�ve spent the last couple of hours in the pub with my sister, who�s back from Paris for a week (starts her new job properly on Feb 1st) and drove down to Sheffield to see me for the last time. I ate way too much pub food though, and it�s made me incredibly sleepy, but seeing Al was fantastic. Can�t wait to go visit her in Paris. Until then, need to go learn about inhibitors of GABA receptors and resist stapling my head to the desk in boredom.

Edit: Becky's just come in and is now lying on my bead making angry growling noises at the ceiling because she's all stressed due to there being no seats in the library. She's now going to watch The OC (that I taped for her) in my room. Blatantly going to get sod all done this afternoon, like usual.

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