
Spring, Arts Tower style
22.03.06, 12:56 pm

I seem to be losing motivation to update this place, which is so stupid and annoying and very much not what I want. Obviously I�m hoping that this is just a temporary thing due to The Rejection. You know what else is annoying? Reading back some of my old entries and having to read the bits where I rambled on about how great Paddy is, and how I didn�t know what to do about it. Yeah, I�m still kind�ve messed up, although you wouldn�t know it because I�m still avoiding the subject with the housekids and spending as much time as I can on my own in my room. Fuck that shit though; I�ll write about the screwed up emotional side of life later if I have the stomach for it.

The first official day of spring was Monday, which means that the Arts Tower is currently housing a huge window-mosiac picture of a daffodil on a white background, which has succeeded in temporarily lowering its fug factor, if not in filling us all with the joys of spring. I�ve changed modules; am now doing one on Neurogastroenterology, which is basically all about Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other vaguely off-putting diseases (complete with pictures), and piss-takingly occurs twice on a Friday. The other module I have is called Developmental Neurobiology� I totally had to check the Uni website for that fact, because I�m that dedicated to my degree. It�s basically all about how the foetus develops the way it does and it sucks ultimate ass.

I feel I need to give an example of its ass suckage � apologies if this bores you all rigid. We get six whole lectures on one bleeding growth factor that basically makes sure that some genes are turned on and some are turned off as the foetus grows. If you make it so that the gene gets overexpressed it ends up giving the mouse you�re experimenting on bristles or something, so in the mouse they called that gene factor Hedgehog. And then they found a load of different types, and by the time they found the human version they�d run out of names of species of hedgehog. This was in the 1980s, and so they named the human version Sonic Hedgehog. Yet another example there of the wonderful Neuroscience sense of humour. I can but hope to one day possess it. Until then I shall just continue to tell my favourite ancient stupid bad taste joke: Why did the girl fall off the swing? Because she had no arms. When my sister first told me that joke I laughed solidly for about five minutes, which pretty much tells you something about me as a person. Hell, it�s making me laugh even now; I clearly need therapy. More therapy.

Anyway yeah, spring and new modules etc. I�m not getting a great deal of work done at the moment. I know I don�t exactly do tons of the stuff anyway, but I�m doing even less right now, mainly due to the Paddy thing occupying most of my thoughts but also because I�m so bloody sick of reading about Long QT Syndrome. For a disease that only affects 2.5% of the healthy population it sure has a lot of frickin� articles written about it. So, instead of working I just lie around on my bed watching the Commonwealth Games, which Michelle completely busted me on last night by the way, and consequently dragged me from my room to go food shopping with her. There were zero reduced bakery items in Tesco, and the chance of reduced bakery goods was the only reason I agreed to go with her. Well, that and the fact that I had no reply to her �You�re blatantly not doing any work, you�re arsing around watching telly. Get up now.�

Off to the Union tonight with the kids to see Crash, so blatantly no working will be done tonight either. My life�s so very sad at the moment: yesterday lunchtime me and Mel had a long, ten minute discussion about Neighbours and whether we thought Susan or Katya would get custody of the Kinski kids if the whole situation went to court. Eventually we decided on Susan, due to her age, secure home environment and track record with the delinquants that always end up living with her. However we�re totally biased because we love Susan and hate Katya, due to her resemblance to a block of wood and the fact that she talks so very slowly. �Susan. You will not. Take. My family. Away from. Me.� She�s the worst. She�s even worse than Lyn.

And then Michelle came wandering into the kitchen and this happened:

Michelle: Is the wok around? I�m going to make my noodle thing. Oh yeah, there it is.
Me: Yeah, there�s still ming stuck to it though � we couldn�t get it off.
Michelle: Oh no.
Me: Yeah we�ve tried washing it about ten times now.
Michelle: Hang on, the burnt stuff�s starting to peel off now though.
Me (bounding across): IS IT? Aww wow, it is as well! *pause* God, I can�t believe I�m actually excited about that.

So, so clear that I need multiple fun things to happen to resurrect my sorry life, and quickly too. Just done a word count and realised that I�ve rambled on for forever, so I�ll save all the Paddy crap for the next entry. You�ll be ecstatic to learn that it�s new Paddy angst too, not just the tired old angst, but it can all wait. For now I'm going to at least pretend to do some work.

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