
Bomshell at the restaurant
07.02.07, 8:59 pm

I am the crappest ever. I go for days and days without writing an entry, and then just write one line. I�ve basically been dying to write that I think I�m feeling better for ages now, but kept putting it off because I didn�t want to jinx it or for it to turn out to just be a temporary thing. However, it�s been two weeks of feeling better now, which I think is long enough.

It�s a weird feeling better, in that it�s nowhere near completely better and fluctuates wildly from day to day. I went for a week feeling much less sleepy, but I�m now back to feeling vaguely sleepy and instead have much better muscle strength. The best news is that I don�t need an afternoon sleep anymore, and can walk up stairs/hills without it hurting. And despite the continuing tiredness, I have a lot more energy. You wouldn�t think that those two things could occur simultaneously, but they do. I don�t want to count my chickens and all that, but it at least feels like things are finally changing, and hopefully for the better.

Okay, time for a humungous recap of past events. A fair few things have happened (as usual), and we�ll kick things off with the domestic angst. Last week Lisa and I had a wonderful half-argument just as I was leaving for James�, the reason for which I won�t go into as I�ll be here all day. As he was cooking me tea and I really wasn�t in the mood for a shouting match I just left, which pissed Lisa off no end and we didn�t speak for two days. We eventually talked things through on Friday, and for once she apologised and I didn�t (I always end up apologising for no reason, just to smooth things over), and things appear to be fine again. Lisa is the only one of my friends that I argue with; I don�t really know what that signifies, but I thought I�d state it anyway.

Have also been doing a lot of friend-seeing � went to the Springvale and drank with Hannah for a good four hours, which I�m quite impressed about, and then on Sunday most of the kids came down and ambushed the flat. We ended up watching Mel�s DVD of her South Africa sky-dive (bizarrely set to Freestyler by Bomfunk MC*), and I can state, for the record, that a terrified Geordie in free-fall is not a quiet affair at all.

*God, I have no idea why I�m admitting this but I�ve only bought three singles in my life and that song constitutes one of them.

Now then, this weekend I went up to MancLand to see my sister, who was visiting for the weekend. We got lumbered with a meal out avec Ladyfriend, and all was going relatively fine until Ladyfriend made a cryptic throwaway comment. My dad then proceeded to drop the inevitable bombshell of, �Well, me and Ladyfriend are going to be getting together later on this year�, and for one horrible moment I thought they meant that they were getting married, before remembering that Ladyfriend is still married and deducing that they were moving in together. If anyone�s wondering, my first reactionary thought to this ran as follows: �Shit, shit, shit. Oh fucking hell.�

My dad ended his little Moving In Together speech with, �And we welcome your comments.� I had the hugest urge imaginable to reply with, �I�m pretty sure you wouldn�t welcome any of my comments,� but I didn�t. Instead I kept my face completely expressionless and kept sipping my drink because I could see that Ladyfriend was studying me. Basically my dad�s selling our house in Manchester and moving in to Ladyfriend�s, and they may move into a new house or they may not, but either way New Mills is his new home.

This is completely rubbish on a million different levels, and they don�t need stating because they�re obvious. There was also a load of stuff to do with whether my dad was going to give Ciaran any money from the sale of the house, which I won�t go into but made Ladyfriend sound a bit like a gold-digger. I love thinking of her as a bit of a gold-digger, despite it not really being true, because this seems a better reason to not like her. For once, my sister is agreed with me on the subject: the moving in with Ladyfriend is shit. My first sentence to her on the walk home was, �Oh God� Christmas��

I knew he�d move in with her eventually, despite it only being 6 months since he met her, but that doesn�t mean I like it in any shape or form. However, I�m now an adult and not living at home, and my dad�s free to do what makes him happy. It just feels odd that he�s going to be selling his and Bernie�s house after everything that�s happened. And she�s still nowhere near as amazing as Bernie. She makes me feel incredibly uncomfortable, and I don�t think she really likes me either, which I guess is fair as I�m not keen on her.

FINALLY, I�m starting extra hours at work next week, which�ll hopefully make me slightly less broke, and things with James are still going well. I�m not quite sure what to do about Valentine�s Day next week� I figure I need to get him a card, but do I have to buy him a present? Don�t really like Valentine�s Day if I�m honest - always seemed a bit ridiculous. Who needs a specified day to show someone that you think they�re ace? Think the boy and me are building a snowman tomorrow, as shit loads of snow is forecast. My body�s not meant for all this emotional mush; I�m going to have a seizure if I�m not careful.

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