
Don't wake me, I plan on sleeping in
09.05.07, 6:43 pm

A rare night in so I finally get chance to cobble some kind of entry together. God, I have no idea what news I have told you about and what news I haven�t. Inspired by Annie�s (always good) videos, I had a bash at doing a video entry yesterday, which rapidly fell apart as I realised my camera would only record for about two minutes at a time, and I spent most of the first (and only) take laughing at myself for saying �tuxeto� instead of �tuxedo�. And really, no one should waste any of their day with viewing that. So here�s the boring text version.

Speaking of boring, let�s zip straight to Saturday night, seeing as all that happened on Friday was that I went to work and was bored senseless by endless meetings. I had to go to this korfball ball/social of James�s, which was at Cutlers� Hall. Now, Cutlers� Hall is incredibly posh, but all the tickets said was �no jeans, no trainers�, so we figured we didn�t need to go the whole ball hog. Therefore I just wore a skirt and a top, and James wore a jacket and tie. Of course, we get there and everyone else was in ball gowns and tuxedos (that�s where the tuxedos bit comes in). I was the most under-dressed in about 100 people. I didn�t actually mind, but it did make us feel a little out of place.

Anyway, the whole thing was a bit boring � total school disco feel, plus there was bugger all food so we were starving. Everyone then got hammered (James included) apart from me, and I was made to do much shouting-lyrics-in-face dancing, before finally getting to go home at midnight. Despite the rubbishness it did earn me brownie points, and all crappy social events are now finished for the foreseeable future. Hurrah!

We went to see Spiderman on Monday morning at the crack of dawn, in an attempt to minimise the amount of children there (total failure). I was close to lamping the one near us who insisted on commenting on every little thing that happened. The rest of the weekend was a complete washout, however, as I had a cracking sinus headache from Sunday morning till Monday evening. A plague on both its houses. Because you just know it has two. Oh hang on, I also met up with Michelle and Hannah on Sunday too, which was very pleasant.

Yesterday I had to go back to work, which I was not very impressed with at all. I then came home and started composing my first tune on the guitar. Sounds impressive, doesn�t it? Don�t be fooled - it really isn�t, mainly because I�ve decided to compose it on Csus2 tuning because it sounds �nice�, and consequently have no idea where the relative chords are. Therefore the whole process is painfully slow, with me adopting a trial-and-error method where any fret combination is worth a shot. I have the tune sorted. Just not the bits to go with it.

Finally me and James went for some tea in town (yay Caf� Rouge!) and then went to see The Science of Sleep, solely because James wanted to see it. I found it all a bit weird and arty, though the lead bloke was quite sexy. Came home and went straight to bed, and had an incredibly geeky argument with the boy about why genes are given general nickname names rather than specific numerical ones. I got to sound quite intelligent though, so it wasn�t a complete waste of time.

My gran sent me a cheque for �400 today to buy some summer clothes (subtle hint perhaps?), and the whole thing made me feel a bit emotional because I am actually very poor. I�m not being all hyperboley like usual� I earn next to nothing, and money is always a constant struggle and worry. I now don�t know whether to do as she says (her accompanying letter said, �This money is for clothes, not bills� or use it to pay off some of my debt. She�s so good to me.

This morning I committed one of the biggest acts of mush in my entire life, and feel I need to confess it here. James had to get up at half six to go to an early meeting, and so left me in bed to let myself out later on. Knowing that I wouldn�t see him tonight, I cut out a square of paper from an old envelope, wrote, �I love you so much xxx� on it and left it on his pillow. Better go � Lisa�s home soon and she�s bringing us a pie.

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