
Amandroid the android
14.03.08, 10:39 pm

I think the entry fast has done me good, although I can�t guarantee it until I, you know, write a few entries. To be honest, I got to the point where I felt that my life was so samey that I just didn�t want to write endless entries about the same old shit, getting steadily more and more uninteresting as I did so. And the honest truth is, I�d rather cut my arm off than bore you all on a regular basis (slight hyperbole, but you get the picture). A possible remedy to this is to write fewer entries (as opposed to �do more interesting stuff�, which I doubt will ever happen), so there might be bigger gaps between updates. Anyway, back to business.

So, the best part about working for the Uni is that I�ve managed to smuggle Microsoft Office 2007 onto my computer under the Uni licence. Word is completely different to before (as well as being technically legal � yay!) and it�s just taken me a good ten minutes to locate the undo button. In other exciting news, I own a shiny new computer. I hadn�t exactly planned to buy one so early in the year, but the old one was just so shitty and hamster-wheel-for-a-processor-ish that one night I flew into a rage, went on the Dell website, saw that there was a sale on and just bought one on the spur of the moment. And my God, there�s nothing like a superior model to make you realise that your old computer was utterly dreadful. I think I�d just slipped into a happy Old Computer bubble, unaware that it belonged in the 1990s with the BBCs and the Acorns. The Old Computer bubble also managed to convince me that it freezing whenever something was plugged into the USB port was okay really, and having a weird crackling sound accompany every sound that came out of my speakers wasn�t so bad either. And, well, asking it to stay connected to the Internet for longer than 12 minutes was asking for a lot.

Anyway, the new computer is amazing (and the monitor�s not the size of a dishwasher), and I�m very much enjoying being able to watch random crap on BBC iplayer. Oh yes, we�ve had a broken aerial here for a good three weeks now, and LandBaron seems supremely uninterested in getting it fixed. She�s made a few half-hearted attempts, but nothing that requires actually ringing somebody and arranging for them to come round. This is all fine, and iplayer�s great, but I WANT TO WATCH SUPERSIZE VS SUPERSKINNY AS AND WHEN IT�S ON, PLEASE. There are only so many episodes of Eggheads that you can watch, after all.

Work is now inundated with students who are all younger than me, which makes the imminent 23rd birthday even more depressing. One of them is an Erasmus student from Belgium � current Dutch words that I have learned: bot (pronounced boat) � bone; labo � lab; afstemmen � cute; lichtekooi � whore. That is literaly it, and she�s been here a good month.

Last night I was so bored that I finally got round to putting up all my old holiday photos. Evidently I was in a bit of a strange mood � in every Amanda-themed photo I tagged her as Amandroid and found it HILARIOUS. Seriously, I laughed for at least five minutes. I still laugh now when I click on the photos of her. It�s fine... I�m sure she�ll never see them.

She�s still a complete witch-hag too. I rang my Uncle Hughie last week, as my Dad and Amandroid had gone down to visit for a weekend and I wanted all the gossip. Apparently they brought Hughie and Sally a couple of bottles of wine as a present, but as Hugh and Sally don�t drink wine they just stayed in the fridge. And then as they were leaving Hughie heard this slight clinking noise coming from Amandroid�s bag, and once they�d left he realised that she�d only taken the bottles of wine back with her again. Because that�s how presents work! He also said that she was a total alcoholic and he still thought she was a dreadful woman, only he put it a bit more coarsely than that. Ugh, I would love to just push her down a manhole.

Off to Notts tomorrow to see my gran, especially as James is at home this weekend for his grandad�s birthday. I�m only going for the one night though, as any longer would stress me out too much. She already started faffing on the phone last night about when I was going to have something to eat if I was going to get a train at lunchtime. She does seem to be finally getting some good out of her operation though, and is definitely a lot happier.

James is off to London next weekend, which I�m studiously ignoring, but worse than that is the fact that the Grand Prix season is upon us once more. He�s getting up at 4am on Sunday morning to watch the Australian one, even though they repeat it at 9am or something equally reasonable. I swear he�s competely insane sometimes. Speaking of the boy, he�s just rang now and informed me that I am in massively good books for sending his grandad a birthday card (carefully selected from the Inoffensive Blank Floral Cards section of WHSmiths). Except with his sister, as her boyfriend didn�t send a card, and now looks shoddy in comparison. Still, big up the me!

Oh, and I�m singing in some charity event that people at work are organising, with Andy playing the guitar for me. I�m already nervous thinking about it, and it�s 3 bloody months away.

NB I've changed the template because it doesn't work on my monitor now (and has probably been the case for the entire world for the last forever). I'll make a better one when I get chance.

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