
Of snow and parties
23.12.09, 12:16 pm

The snow is still here, to the delight of approximately 0 people. I don't like nearly falling over at the best of times, so to do it daily in front of others fills me with equal measures of despair and blind fury. Somehow I've got to get myself and my 900 bags to the station tomorrow, and then get a horrible, packed, no-seat-reservations-possible-because-this-is-obviously-not-nightmarish-in-any-way Northern Rail train to Mave Towers for Christmas. How can a person do this in the snow and the ice? How? Rang my father last night to see if there was any chance he could come via Sheffield tomorrow (he's seeing us on Christmas Eve at Mave's this year, and then going back to New Mills for the remainder of the holidays) if the weather became really bad, and was told no. The official reason given was "[he'd] have to get on the M62 then, which wouldn't be nice at all", which isn't so much subtext as just text for "I can't be arsed to come thirty minutes out of my way, so get frigged."

Needless to say, my dad is not currently endearing himself to me at the moment. There've been various moments of Father Fuckwittery over the last few weeks, which I won't bother going into, but just trust my totally biased opinion that he's currently being a dick.

Finally over the cold, and my heart is slowly returning to normal after being hideous for a good fortnight. Life becomes very depressing and anxiety-ridden when you can't even walk up the stairs or brush your teeth without feeling like you're having a heart attack. The Christmas party was a bit of a washout, if I'm honest. It started out okay, with lots of lovely eating and pissing about (no alcohol for me though), and then we had Space Hopper races in the car park (I didn't, due to the mental heart). We then went off the pub, and I started feeling tired and palpitaty and worried and depressingly sober. In the end decided to make an early exit, as it had gotten to the stage where I was concerned that I'd burst into tears if anyone was nice to me. Plus, there's only so many circular conversations that you can have with very pissed people.

Technicians party was last Tuesday and more successful, as I was less palpitaty and less ill. I threw caution to the wind and drank quite a lot, and then had one of the finance guys trying to chat me up all night. Horrible hangover the next day, made worse by having to go to a demonstration on a new piece of software that I'd completely forgotten about. Nodding your head and looking earnestly interested whilst dying inside is not an experience I ever want to repeat.

Last weekend the pipe for James's outside tap burst, so we came down on Sunday morning to find downstairs flooded. A plumber finally turned up and mended it, and we then had a sad time mopping up and drying things out. Sometimes being an adult is really quite boring. The 3-year anniversary came and went: we spent most of the day locked away in Thyme Cafe reminiscing and eating and drinking insane amounts, before coming home and falling asleep on the sofa. We've never really done presents for anniversaries as is so close to Christmas time, and, to be honest, food presents are the best presents.

Okay, so off to Notts tomorrow after insane fascist couple of hours at work (WHY?! Does anyone really think that any work gets done?) for a possibly hideous Christmas eve with Mave (nice), my sister (nice), my dad (borderline), Amandroid (the Devil), Uncle Ian (bad), Ian's new wife (borderline) and their new puppy (amazing). I then leave Mave Towers on the 27th for a horrible 6-hour train journey to Dumfries, and will then reside there until the 3rd. We're going to a wedding on Hogmanay, so it could be a very hangovery birthday for James on the 1st. No change there then!

If I don't get chance to write again, I'd just like to thank you all for continuing to read my inane ramblings. You guys help make writing fun and worthwhile, and though I don't seem to update as often as I used to, I promise to still keep updating, and to be as honest as I can with my thoughts. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!

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