
Broken N key is no one's friend
17.11.14, 5:37 pm

The N key is broken on my net-book for some idiotic, inexplicable reason, and because I'm pretty sure it's impossible to write an entire entry without using the letter N, I'm currently typing this on my phone. It's so laborious I think I genuinely might die before I get to upload it.

So, what's been occurring? Well, I went to North Norfolk for a long weekend with James's family. Driving to Norfolk induces a new, exciting kind of rage that I have never experienced before. All the roads are single carriage, you come across a tractor every 50 yards and NOBODY can drive properly. And I say that as someone who is not that hot at driving themselves.

Anyway, we drove to Norfolk, and all we knew was the name of the cottage and the village it was in, and that it was possibly on the main road. We arrived in the village just as the sun was setting, and then suddenly realised that we didn't even have phone signal, never mind Internet signal. And all the cottages looked the same, and there was about 900 of them, and maybe we weren't actually sure what it was called after all. So I got out to ring James's mum on the pay phone, but of course the pay phone isn't in service, like, the only pay phone in the country that might actually still have a function because THERE IS NO PHONE SIGNAL, but no, instead God's all like, 'Lolz, no bone for you!' Finally, just as we were starting to think we might have to bed down in the car for the night, James spotted it.

About a fortnight ago James bought me a horrible, hideous wedding magazine, despite me protesting loudly and irately in Sainsburys that I didn't want it, and that if he put it in the trolley then I would refuse to move (sad confession: lost that battle, else I would still, even now, be standing in Sainsburys). The only thing it succeeded in doing was giving me a complex over how little we had organised so far, so a flurry of activity occurred. We now have a photographer, yay! And we're sorting out the swing band, yay! And we're having a huge, painful argument with the Registry Office over our humanist ceremony, ya - wait, no, not yay. I won't get into the specifics because it's dull, but they're just being total douches, and it makes you so frustrated over how inflexible the civil ceremony process is. Like it's some kind of punishment for thinking that God is a load of old rubbish.

And I bought a wedding dress this week. Aha, nailed it! Turns out the dress part is actually a piece of cake, or at least it is if you only limit yourself to one shop. But don't tell grandma that, or she'll have my guts for garters. It was genuinely quite fun as well - I was dreading it a bit, because Mel's epic Quest For A Dress seemed to span many months, and I was just going on my own because my bridesmaids couldn't make it, and I wasn't really sure what I wanted. The woman was amazing though, and it was all very relaxed and easy, and I tried on about 6 dresses, and some were dreadful but two were amazing, but the first one (the first dress I tried on, actually) was the more amazing. And then the woman said she had an overstock in the back that I could have �400 quid off, and then it was elevated to the most amazing dress ever, and so I went for it. I mean, I'm still spending roughly �1000 on one dress that I will wear ONCE, and so it's still concentrated insanity, but at least it's not as crazy a price as I was worrying about. And that's the story of how I bought a dress.

I get to go to Dumfries again for Christmas, so that's excellent news, but as a compromise I have to have my sister, Ryan, my dad and Bloody Amanda down for a couple of days beforehand, which is less excellent. Also, Amanda's children are coming down for part of it, for some reason. No one cares about your children, Amanda! Especially as they don't care back just as much!

I don't know if I mentioned it, but me and James are currently taking Spanish lessons at night school. It's going pretty well, and I am enjoying it, but I don't have get that familiar childhood Sunday-night feeling when it's the night before and I haven't done my homework yet.

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