
My bed is pulling me, gravity, day sleeper
08.01.06, 12:50 pm

I�ve gone back to drinking coffee in the mornings as we�re currently out of tea bags. We never really run out of stuff chez Manchester, and it�s consequently making me feel a bit studenty. However, you truly know you�re back to being a student again when you spend your lunchtimes microwaving own-brand soup, before eating it standing up in the kitchen because every other room in the house is freezing cold. Which is what I did both on Thursday and Friday.

Well, Louisa got here about eight last night, bringing a bottle of wine with her, after I�d already drank half a bottle of red with my dad. I have now gotten drunk three times in the last 7 days and it�s completely unacceptable, because I�m meant to be revising and I can�t do that when I have gross excess alcohol feeling in my stomach. I also ended up embracing an old bad habit last night � I know, it�s bad and I�m bad and it won�t happen again. Thankfully not really hungover today, but I didn�t get much sleep and consequently look even paler than usual.

Lou has perfect skin and perfect nails and is pretty much gorgeous in every way, and makes me feel a little inferior. Thankfully Lise was on hand last night to rescue my self-confidence, as she was drunk herself and decided to ring me and have an hour-long rambling conversation about nothing at all, although I think it initially started off as talking about how her ex-fianc� has managed to get his now ex-rebound girlfriend pregnant. And how did she nurse my bruised ego? Why, by telling me that my voice �can have this slight huskiness sometimes, it�s quite sexy. I could sit and listen to it for hours� and that I �have a very cute little finger. It�s so tiny, like a little baby�s, it�s just gorgeous�. Well in! I may not be winning America�s Next Top Model anytime soon � way too vertically stunted anyway, plus I couldn�t hack the giving up eating � but at least my husky voice and little finger kick serious ass.

Anyway yeah, I�m back in Manchester. My train journey was spent sat opposite two quite sexy guys, who I talked to about poi of all things (the art of fire-spinning, for the uninformed. I only know because Rich has just started doing it and bores me rigid about it regularly). However, the journey was not all wonderfulness as I kept getting perved at by the bearded dwarf with the plaited mullet sat across the aisle from me. A plaited mullet� my god, where do these kind of people actually come from? Have just added �perved� to Word�s dictionary because I can, and because the red squiggly lines annoy me.

Revision needs to curl up and die, seriously. I have now read and made notes on three journals on depression, and by yesterday afternoon was resorting to running Peep Show sketches through my head as I wrote to keep myself from falling asleep. This was a bad idea though, as I ended up writing �depression� instead of any other word that began with a D or was longer than 5 letters:

�Czech et al. showed that a primate model of stress-induced �depression� induces signs of depression decreased neuronal depression metabolism and function, as well as decreased cell proliferation. In human studies, hippocampal atrophy is depression demonstrable only after major depression on the scale of years.�

After that paragraph I gave it up as a bad job and had a bath. More bastarding revision is planned for today, as well as doing some ironing and going food shopping with my dad. In other news, Ciaran apparently auditioned for a Lynx advert yesterday. Ha! I hope he gets it, if only so I can tape it and then show his grandchildren in 40 years time. I�m starting to feel increasingly shitty about the upcoming anniversaries, but the less we dwell on that the better, and my sister has already found a flat in Paris, so all is well there, and is currently skiing with work in the French Alps. I wish she�d give some of her evident fortune to me.

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