
A guide to smiling
15th July 2005, 10:21 am

Don't forget that I passed all my exams. Yes, yes I did! Sorry, the smugness is receding bit by bit, but the happiness still remains, and is helping to carry me through this dull day. Thankyou all for the notes yesterday, by the way, they were very much appreciated.

*This explanation is for Luke: a 2:1 is the second highest degree (or module mark) classification you can get, and basically constitutes a "good" degree.*

Lisa got an average of 81, which is just incredible. Mel got one 1st, four 2:1s and a 2:2 - yes, the 2:2 was the mark she got for the exam that went so incredibly awful that it caused her to defer two exams. It didn't really register until I got home and talked to Becky about it, but when I thought about it it annoyed me a little. When I rang her, to ask about her results, she said that they "weren't bad". They're fricking brilliant! She's averaging as high 2:1 for god's sake, what more does she want? Honestly, the fact that a 2:2 rated exam freaked her out to that extent worries me; she really needs to get these issues sorted out, otherwise third year is going to be a nightmare. It'll also be a year that I won't be able to sit with her all night looking after her, because I'll have my 70% weighted exams to worry about.

I did more gardening last night, and started writing another letter to Hannah, sitting in a deckchair that I assumed belonged to Becky. I also watched old Bad Girls episodes and had an early night. Woo for my celebrations. It's okay, I shall make up for it at Em's party tomorrow night.

Work is so dull today, and will only get duller, seeing as the only thing I have scheduled is a talk on Learning and Inference that I'm obliged to attend. If anyone has a University of Sheffield IP registering 365 page loads today then it's only me, reading old entries (probably for the second time in some cases) to kill time.

Harry Potter is coming tomorrow, so the geek in me is warming up for another appearance. My confirmation email came from Amazon this morning... ahh, this time tomorrow I shall be sat outside reading it, possibly with some beer. Can I just say thank GOD it's the weekend, I honestly could not have handled another early get-up.

I appear to have mastered the Passing People in the Corridor Smile, which is similar to the Sympathy Smile, in that the corners of your mouth turn down slightly whilst the rest of your mouth moves up. Oh crap, it's time [10.46 am] to go down and find Dr Mole, so that he can bore me with some data analysis of the qPCR that we performed yesterday. I shall finish this entry on my return - this entry will probably end up monsterously big, due to my boredom levels.

12.27 pm:
I confess that I have spent the last 45 minutes lying back in my chair with my eyes closed - not completely asleep, but enough that my head did that irritating lolling thing. I have nothing to do today, so why am I here? Bar the lecture this afternoon, I shall be spending the rest of the afternoon how? Yes that's right, lying back in my chair with my eyes closed. Look, I have a headache and feel a little queasy, so it's completely okay.

Health & Safety Woman asked me if I'd been in a fight this morning, after eyeing my now yellowing MEGA bruise. Dr Mole did indeed bore me rigid (my dyslexic fingers originally typed that as ridig) with his Excel spreadsheet; I beat a hasty retreat promising to go read some more MND journals. As if.

2:11 pm:
God, will this day never end?? You'll be pleased to know that I didn't return to my semi-conscious state, as PhD Millhouse returned, and I spent an hour talking to him instead. My headache's also faded to a bearable level, though the sickness is still lingering. Only 45 minutes until my crappy talk, then PhD Millhouse told me to just go home. Sounds like a plan.

I may play Spinning In My Chair for ten minutes or so.

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