
Lab work and boring medical facts
13th July 2005, 9:53 am

Fuck it, I have twenty minutes until I have to go back down to the lab, so I'll write an entry now. I will post the hugely depressing entry on Mark's suicide when I get the Internt though. Incidently, we're thinking of just switching back to BT broadband, after fannying around last night on the phone to Pipex again.

I was in work for 8:15am this morning, and haven't stopped yawning yet. Piss-takingly, I came in, watched Dr Mole set up our experiment for ten minutes, and then put the stuff in to incubate for an hour and a half, so I actually could have stayed in bed an extra hour and a half. I really hope they let me leave early today, in payment of my sleep sacrifice.

Lisa is up at the moment as she's doing some open days for Sheffield Uni; it's always very pleasant to see her. Last night we went up to Fay's and drank wine whilst watching Bad Girls and Sugar Rush. I asked Becky to tape them both before I went though, but it was lucky we did watch them as she arsed it up somehow, and thought I was going to come home and shout at her.

She obviously thinks that I should have gone to some Anger Management classes, nevermind Stress Management. Speaking of which, I'm going back to the doctors again today to change my pills, as my Atenolol are making me too tired. I went to the doctors on Monday and discovered I had a heartrate of 58 (BP 116/66 for any fellow medic geeks), which obviously explains the tiredness, only it didn't click until I got home that night. Blatantly my doctor is going to think I'm a bit of a retard seeing her two days later, after telling her everything was fine with the pills.

Lindz is doing okay I think, though obviously I don't really know living 50 miles away. I'll be taking a day off work and going to the funeral, though it'll probably be sometime next week at this week, as there has to be a coroner's report etc with it being a suicide. I then selfishly started worrying about myself, as I don't know how I'll react to the funeral (remember the crazy-ass panic when I was thinking of going to Audrey's funeral), so I asked Lisa if she'll come with me. Hopefully she can look after me if need be. Standard will be there too; I texted her and let her know a couple of days ago, she was as horrified as I was.

I do feel bad about the whole Lindz thing though. I feel like a fake friend... losing contact for the last two years, starting to make an effort about a month ago, and then suddenly turning into Full Time Friend when Mark killed himself. I know that she didn't make the effort with me either, and I know that she probably doesn't see it like that, and is grateful for the support, but it still makes me feel like a hypocrite. And crappy, because I didn't help her more when her dad died, because it was around the same time that Bernie had died.

I think I need to stop thinking that it's my duty to solve the world's problems.

I have the biggest bruise in the world on my upper arm, where I walked into the corner of the fridge whilst drunk on Monday night. Thankfully, the alcohol stopped it hurting that much. I'd been for (several) drinks with Paddy, and had a generally kick ass evening, bar the townies who kept leering at me over the beer garden wall. Yes, because I always fancy men in Burberry caps.

I'd better go put my lab coat on and piss around with pipettes some more. It's so unbeliveably hot at the moment, especially when I then have to wear lab coat and latex gloves on top. I do get paid for the first time on Friday though, which calls for a small dance of joy.

Sidenote: The "autoclave and washing up" room smells like old paint pots, which is quite disconcerting. Every time I pass it I think I'm on my way to a primary school afternoon of painting magic.

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