
LQT is cured
15.04.06, 4:11 pm

I�m happy to announce that Long QT has been successfully cured. Well, I�ve written the report anyway, so as good as, and my smugness knows no bounds. It�s not quite done - I haven�t written the abstract or done my three million references, and will have to alter it once Crazy Psycho reads it through and totally slates it, but for now it�s done. In a completely geeky way I�m almost slightly sad, because I�ve been researching it and writing it for ages now, and I�m almost fond of it. Ah well, now my work focus turns to my horrible upcoming exams, and the endless journal reading that has to take place. I�m currently making notes on one about axonal synapse formation and it�s actually killing my soul.

I�ve just noticed that I�ve only written six entries so far this month. That�s rubbish. I also remembered saying that I�d post some random photos last entry, so here they are. This is the reason I haven�t written many entries: a total lack of events, as all I do is work and bum around. Come y�all, take a delve into my current fascinating existence:

So there�s me and my sister, mid-birthday celebration, at the Chinese down the road. Look, I�m all happy because I�d only been home for a few days.

To complete the set, there�s my sister and my dad.

And now life begins to spiral. That�s one of the most boring journals in the world, on Sonic Hedgehog signalling no less, and my wonderful notes that I made on it. It took me two days to complete, and I�ve already forgotten the gist of the journal.

That appears to be me fannying around and taking my own picture in the mirror (narcissism alert) after doing my sister�s ironing for her. God, I�m such a nice person.

That is my fat black cat, the sole provider of joy. I go all gooey whenever I�m stroking him and find an especially soft bit of fur. Ha, what a load of mush.

Me playing my dad�s guitar, taken unnoticed by sister. Wow, I hardly ever look that serious. My guitar�s better, for the record.

A worryingly large portion of my life: some of my LQT notes. I�m clearly the best, like, artist ever.

Finally, taken again unnoticed by my sister just after I'd gotten up and showing me doing what I do best: drinking a cup of tea and watching The Jeremy Kyle Show. That�s been my life for the past two weeks. This is why I miss Sheffield so much.

So, back to recent news. I finished reading The Time Traveller�s Wife yesterday, which Lisa bought me for my birthday. Such an incredibly fantastic book. My dad�s going on a date on Monday with some woman called Kate, who he�s met through a friend at choir. When he told me in the car I found myself irrationally thinking, �Aren�t you worried that she�ll die too, like there�s some kind of weird curse going on?� I�m such a ray of sunshine sometimes. Actually no, that�s not strictly fair. I am optimistic; I just never have much faith in things lasting for long. Things change so much, even things that you figured would last forever, that I never bank on anything being around for long. But yeah, anyway, he�s going on a date. We�ve just had an argument over something pointless that ended in me walking off saying, �Yeah, everything�s all about you, just like usual�, so he�s not my most favourite person at the moment.

Okay, I�d better get back to some work or something. I did try looking for some proper post-degree jobs earlier, but gave up after about five minutes because it was boring and because I figured doing work for my finals was probably more important. I'm starting to think that my sister's joking comment of, "Hey, Hol, you could work in that shop there... look, We Love Ironing!" on the bus last week holds some merit.

It�s Doctor Who tonight, a fact that fills me with geekish excitement, so I figure I should get some work done now as opposed to later. I�m totally not obsessed with Billie Piper.

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