
La Primavera dell'amore
02.04.06, 6:06 pm

Today I am playing Sash � La Primavera over and over again. What is going on? Maybe it�s just because it�s a vaguely spring-like song and I am so very ready for spring, even if Sheffield�s version of it is to piss it down roughly every thirty minutes during an otherwise bright sunny day. If I were of Yorkshire blood, I�d right now say that the weather can�t seem to make its mind up, which is what countless Yorkshire people have said to me over the past week. However, I am of skanky, ex-mining town Nottinghamshire blood, and therefore just go, �Oh, for fuck�s sake� every time it starts raining. Oh, now I miss Nottingham. Which reminds me, on the train home from Hope of the States two borderline chavs from Chesterfield struck up a conversation with Dave and me, and upon learning that I was from Notts asked me if it was true that the buses in St Anne�s have bullet-proof windows. I said yes, because that rumour is just too ace to discontinue.

God, that paragraph went on for forever. I�ve been doing some notes on MND for the last thirty-nine thousand years, and then I got bored and decided to learn Damien Rice � Cannonball on guitar, before realising that it�s actually quite complicated, and so once my fingers started to hurt I figured I�d write an entry. I�ve spent the majority of this weekend doing work, after having a mild panic on Saturday morning when I noticed that I don�t have any notes for some of my modules, e.g. Cancer Biology. That�s completely not my fault though; I did go to the lectures, I just didn�t write anything down, because Cancer just always read off a million PowerPoint slides that were so boring I�d always just spiral off into a daydream about lunch, Neighbours or cake, before wrapping things up by handing round yet another hideously dull photocopy of some crappy journal he�d written about killer testicles or something. Okay fine, testicular cancer, whatever. Either way, I should have got points for turning up in the first place.

Finally finished Uni for Easter, which merited the traditional going-out event on Friday night. It was quite subdued though, as everyone was knackered and broke, so we (that�s me, Mel, Hannah, Em and Dave) just went down to Bar One to play pool, and later went on to Interval, which was just a bad idea in general but I�ll get onto that later. I was fantastically crap at pool that night, as the snooker cue was huge and. despite popular belief, I don�t happen to possess ten-foot arms. The night was going great though, despite everyone in the world seeming to be at the Union and Mel making me pose by the pregnancy test vending machine that we now have in the toilets. Oh, I�ll be sure to post that picture. And then we went to Interval and of course Paddy was there, and suddenly all the shit that I�ve been successfully repressing for the last week came flooding back, and I was definitely not drunk enough to ignore it all. Consequently I spend most of our time there watching him talking to his friends and brooding. I went over and talked to him a couple of times but it was just incredibly awkward, and I�m not really sure why because we�ve been fine together at lectures.

Thankfully we went back to Bar One after a while, and called it a night at one o�clock. All the kids bar Em have since gone home for Easter (although Em�s currently at home for the weekend), so the house is completely empty. It�s nice in a way, because you never really get that much alone time in this house, but I do miss them something chronic. Becky texted this morning at a stupidly early time (blatantly jet lagged and blatantly not caring that I�m not jet lagged) to report a successful visit of New York, and to remind me to bring her work clothes back with me to Manchester, so that she can drive up from Didsbury and get them off me. I really hope she remembered to bring me back some peanut M&Ms.

Tonight I shall be cooking myself sausage and mash, using house food because I have none of my own. I went to the gym this morning and nearly died, due to me having not gone for about a week. I know, I�m crap, but I�ve felt all tired and sad this week, which doesn�t get you overly motivated. Consequently, the rest of tonight will be spent watching Planet Earth and drinking cups of tea, and maybe having a pointless phone conversation with somebody. Okay I�m going now.

Hang on, final bit of news. Tomorrow I am travelling down to Grimsby to meet the lovely Zoe (who I do hope turns out to be a real person) and maybe catch a fish or two. It�s all very exciting, and I do hope I don�t act too much like a nob. Fingers crossed.

P.S. Ha! I just Googled La Primavera lyrics for the title of this entry and it�s all about �the spring of love�, i.e. totally a spring-like song. I rule!

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