
Come on people, keep your friends close
30.03.06, 11:31 pm

Today I am running on really not enough sleep, and have just spent way too much time down at Uni on the Pubmed website. For the lucky uninformed, Pubmed is where all the online journals live. God, you want to see some of the journals I�ve had to email myself; they seriously make you contemplate killing yourself. I figured I should do it today so that I can read them over Easter or something; take the wonderful world of Cancer Biology and Degenerative Diseases and Developmental Neurobiology home.

At the risk of sounding like a total geek, I�m actually really enjoying my lectures this half semester, despite labelling them as ultimate wankfests a few entries back. I think it�s because I actually have to sit and think and make my own notes and it�s such a nice change � my lecturers take you through a research paper on something and explain the concepts, but then expect you to read the paper as well, so that you can quote it in the exams. The trouble with science degrees is that too many lecturers instead get lazy and shove about 7000 slides into a PowerPoint presentation, read them off the screen and then give you a three-page reading list. Yeah, talking about you, Cancer Biology. Worst. Extra. Credits. Module. Ever.

Wrapping up the work side of life, I got a nagging email from my library project supervisor, i.e. Crazy American Bitch, today, very much asking, �WHERE'S YOUR FIRST DRAFT, HMMM?� Needless to say, it doesn�t exist. I couldn�t exactly reply back with, �In cloud cuckoo land, ha! Suck on that bitch!� though, so I instead came home after the Pubmed funfest and wrote another two hundred words. I don�t have any idea what a first draft is meant to entail either, but am hoping that my completed Background section will temporarily sate her. That�s a summary of all things University work-based, anyway.

So yesterday I went up to Manchester with Dave to see Hope Of The States play at the Life Caf� � Word put the accent in there, not me. I fell asleep on Dave on the way there, because I was tired yesterday too, which was maybe a little rude of me. Anyway, once we got there we wandered around town and resisted buying anything fun and some Toni & Guy woman tried to get me to be a model for them. This boosted my ego quite a lot, as I figured that I must therefore be at least vaguely attractive, although Dave then decided to tell me that it was maybe them feeling sorry for me, and offering to sort me out aesthetically. I clouted him one round the head for that. We also went to Weatherspoons to eat burgers and Dave got IDed (HA), which he claimed was because he�d shaved that morning. Whatever, he�s just got a total baby face. Finally, in our quest to kill time, we sat in Caf� Nero and drank coffee until the doors opened.

Gig itself was quite fantastic, although the venue was really just a glorified basement. Hearing them play made me feel all mellow and content, even if the music style is quite rocky, and I went on various sappy thought trains that I�d feel a little stupid about if I wrote them down. In very broad terms, it was along the lines of �I really love my friends, and I quite like being me as well, even if at times I do suck ass�. We got out at quarter to eleven, and as our train back wasn�t till quarter past twelve went to the Spar by Piccadilly station and bought food.

Dave�s such an old woman when it comes to buying food. I bought Diet Coke and crisps and took about four minutes to decide; he bought a litre of milk and 12 cakes and took twenty minutes. God knows why he chose those items, by the way. Anyway, we sat in the station and people watched to the accompaniment of some truly fabulous train station music, i.e. Westlife and Spice Girls. Got the train back to Sheffield (managed not to fall asleep this time), ran to the taxi rank due to it totally pissing it down and managed to get home by about quarter to two. I didn�t actually get to go to bed till about three though, as Mel was still up writing her dissertation (handed it in today, thank GOD) and we got talking. Didn�t even attempt getting up for my lectures this morning.

So yeah, that�s life currently. Tomorrow�s the last day of term � I have two lectures on the same thing � and we�re planning on going down to Bar One in the evening to get drunk and celebrate the arrival of Easter. Party on.

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