
Wholemeal hug
28.03.06, 8:53 pm

I�ve just written 200 words of my amazing library project. It�s taken me the majority of the day to get around to writing them, and the two resulting paragraphs are full of fascinating phrases such as �delayed rectifier current� and "transient outward repolarization�. I�m really rubbish at doing work � I should really just go to the library or something � because every time I sit down at my desk and load up my little Word document I immediately decide to also load up a Windows Explorer window. And then I decide to go check my email or read Popbitch or check the Yahoo! TV guide, because suddenly anything and everything is more interesting than writing about the heart.

Today I sat and read a load of Richard Dawkins articles, because for some reason I decided it was the perfect time for me to solve my whole agnosticism crisis. In fact, let�s not try and make it even slightly dramatic� it�s not a crisis in the slightest, it�s more a case of me sitting in my lectures and sometimes thinking, �Huh. Genes and transcription factors and morphogens are really quite complicated. I wonder how they managed to evolve.� Anyway, it�s all fine now: evolution continues to rock and Richard Dawkins rules. I really wish I could just sit and work solidly for hours, instead of drinking too much Diet Coke and singing Mr Bojangles into my mobile like it�s some kind of microphone.

Becky�s currently in New York (and will be for the rest of the week) on some kind of Geography field trip, although I have no idea what kind of Geography-based activities she�s going to be partaking in. I�m actually missing her quite a lot; it�s very lonely being on the top floor all on my own, although it�s nice not to have to worry about waking her up in the middle of my insomnia nights. It makes you realise just how much time you spend with certain people, and how different everything�s going to get post-Uni.

God, I can�t think of anything fun to write about at all. My weekend was a complete washout too � I spent most of it having baths, eating and watching crappy telly, i.e. You Are What You Eat. My dad watched it with me, and spent the whole time talking over it with stupid comments such as �Oh no, not that bloody woman. God, look at the size of her gigantic bat ears� and �Mmm have a wholemeal hug�. My sister sacked off revising on Sunday afternoon and watched Goblet of Fire with me � we were watching the incredibly important, tense scene where Wormtail dumps Voldemort into the cauldron and he slowly regenerates back into a person, and as the camera focussed in on Voldemort�s face and him opening his eyes my sister decided to voiceover with, �Wormtail, you�ve forgotten my nose.� I laughed for about five minutes straight, and now can�t watch that scene without giggling. But yes, that was my weekend.

My dad didn�t wrap up my birthday present until the morning of the actual day (his opening remark on seeing me as I came down the stairs: �No, you can�t come down here, I haven�t done your present yet!�), and had a spliff whilst doing so. The present thing I�m not arsed about, but the spliff-smoking at half nine in the morning does worry me ever so slightly. Ah well.

Mel�s dissertation on face recognition is in on Thursday, and I�ve said I�ll proofread it for her. Mel really really likes writing and really doesn�t like commas and asked me this afternoon what the English spelling for �centre� was. I�ve got to do most of it tonight as well, as tomorrow afternoon I�m going up to Manchester with Dave as we�re seeing Hope of the States play in the evening. Should be a truly bon night, seeing as the last time I saw them constituted one of the best days ever. Hopefully we�ll spend the time before the gig in Weatherspoons, eating and drinking and generally embracing studentdom in all its glory. Word wants me to spell-correct studentdom to Student Dom.

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