
Walk on shells tonight
13.03.06, 7:14 pm

Work is not going wonderfully well at the moment. Anything and everything is proving more fun than writing about tract tracing (the lab report), and rightly so to be quite honest. I�ve just said out loud to myself: �Right then, stop fucking around and write the bloody method. Okay we�re doing this, we�re writing the method, we�re bringing it home�� except I�m blatantly NOT bringing it home in any shape or form because I�m sat writing this bleeding entry. Beck-eh�s all stressed about her dissertation too, which we now call the big D to avoid the evil word �dissertation�, as it�s in a week on Thursday and she�s written about 1500 words out of 10,000. I keep giving her hugs and bringing her cups of tea, which I�m sure is useful in a very vague way.

Sunday morning saw me having a bit of a panic as I realised that I had no idea how to write the discussion. As it�s due in on Thursday, and the one report constitutes the whole of the module grade, I found myself going to the library. At the weekend. Having to write that statement is a sure-fire sign of just how rubbish my life has become. Also, Sheffield is currently in the middle of Snow Time, so people got to see me doing my attractive penguin waddle down the hill towards the library. Sheffield�s the worst for snow, because it�s built on seven hills (like Rome apparently, although I don�t see why it�s anything to shout about) and every single journey you make is guaranteed to contain at least three monster slopes. I�ll end up like one of those scary speed skaters with hippo thighs if I�m not careful. Except I can�t even skate, so I�d just be ol� Hippo Thighs.

Anyway, the library was the usual fun machine that it always is. I got out the funnest book in existence; yes that�s right, it�s Immunochemistry in Practise! You lot can go get in the queue; it�s all mine for the next three weeks. I�m all paranoid about plagiarism since someone got booted out of our course for plagiarising one of their essays, but it�s proving tricky not to because I have no idea what the book�s talking about, and therefore have no idea how to rearrange this shit in my own words. Sigh.

Oh, Hannah�s birthday meal actually went okay on Saturday night. Well, I say that, but I�ve just remembered that it really didn�t. I�m going to have to go into pedantic detail here, so forgive me. There were ten of us walking down to West St, and I was walking in front with Beck-eh, Vicky and Dave, and we decided to walk quite a way ahead so that we could give Hannah�s cake to the waiter without her realising. Well, apparently Hannah didn�t like us walking so far ahead, even though she had five people walking with her (including two of her friends from home and stupidhead Guy), and according to Michelle ranted on about it all the way down. I bet I was bitched about non-stop. You�d like to think that as soon as the waiter brought the cake out and Happy Birthday blared out of the restaurant�s speakers and Michelle told her the reason for our fast walkage that she�d have felt bad, but I am so very sure that she did not. Anyway, the actual meal part was great, and I was sat with Becky, Vicky and Dave so really enjoyed myself. On a side note, Dave is the slowest eater ever: I tried to get him to shove a whole piece of cake into his mouth at once but he was too nesh, so I decided to chant, �Less talking, more eating!� at him until he�d finished. He then started throwing napkins at me. I�m surprised we didn�t get kicked out or something. On another side note, think Dave and me are going to Fuzz this Thursday to celebrate me handing in the shitty report. Whoa, two fun events in a week, I need to slow the hell down.

I wrote all of that yesterday at some point. Things have gone kind�ve downhill since, as Rich came round last night and I sat talking to him for a good hour and a half about his mum and how he�s thinking about dropping out of Uni and other really depressing things. Today was very much a Paddy featured day, more so than most days, and it nearly killed me. I am in such a shitty mood and I know it, and I haven't done a very good job of hiding it because everyone keeps giving me concerned glances.Anyway, I�ll write about all the depressing crap tomorrow, and just post the good weekend stuff for now.

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