
Skinless and boneless fish
16.06.06, 4:46 pm

I started writing an entry yesterday morning about non-everyday random crap, but as always I didn�t finish the entry in one sitting and now a load of everyday stuff�s happened that I need to write about first so as I don�t lose track in this rambling record of my life. So for now I�ll concentrate on yesterday and today, and will tag the random stuff on the bottom of next entry, which hopefully be short and devoid of news anyway. Still here? Man, I am totally tanked up on caffeine and it�s not even funny. Onward.

So, yesterday my fantastic close friend Emma came up to Sheffield, who I haven�t seen in a good year now due to me not living in Nottingham anymore and us both being at Uni. And even though it�d been so long she was the same old Em and everything felt exactly the same, which to me is always the best sign of a good friendship. Anyway, after I met her at the station we went to Interval and had some lunch, and I managed to embrace my inner pie (as usual) and finish off half of Em�s too. We then fannied around in town for a bit, before going off to the smoky dingy sweatpit that is Bar One to watch the England match with Dave, who came back up to Sheffield yesterday for a few days. When you think about it it�s a little ridiculous clapping and chanting and singing at a widescreen telly, but whenever your view�s not blocked by someone�s head you half forget that you�re not actually sat in the crowd.

Anyway, good match despite getting sprayed with beer when Crouch scored and England still not playing fantastically. After the match was over I took Em back to the train station (tram driver beeped his horn to England chants, which made me laugh), and then Dave and I went back to my house and watched yet more football whilst talking about other football, because since Uni�s finished that�s actually all that our lives now revolve around. We did however nip off to Tesco�s during halftime for a reduced-items-rampage, and ended up buying lots of flavoured chicken legs, cookies, ice cream and shower gel. And Dave bought a giant scotch egg but I�m afraid I can�t endorse that.

Dave: I need chips. Hmm, do I need the big bag of chips?
Me: Is the big bag too big?
Dave: I dunno, do I need that amount of chips?
Me (looking): No, the big bag is definitely too big.
Dave: But I don�t want to get a small bag, they�re all shit brands.
Me: Can I tempt you with� ooh look, skinless and boneless fish, Tesco own-brand variety!
Dave: You�re not helping.

It�s okay, I wasn�t being serious. As much as I pride myself on being a Tesco own-brand whore, even I draw the line at miscellaneous own-brand fish. We eventually went back home and watched the rest of the match, before eating too much junk and watching first Big Brother and then Sugar Rush. It was a fantastic day, despite all the crap I ate and the fact that all the walking yesterday has totally crippled me today (go MI!).

Speaking of the mystery illness: good news. I finally got my neurology referral through this morning � I did a little dance and everything when I picked up the post. My appointment�s for next Thursday, so hopefully I�ll soon know what the hell�s wrong with me and be able to start fixing the problem. Obviously I have no idea what the actual problem is but I�m sure it�s fixable. I just hope I don�t get some total cockhead for a neurologist who tries to push the whole, �I�m sure it�s just a virus� thing onto me.

Today�s been mostly spent lying on my bed watching DVDs, as yesterday�s kind�ve knackered me and the MI has decided that backache�s on the menu today. I think Dave�s coming round later, and we�ll no doubt spend the evening bumming around watching the Big Brother eviction and proving zero contribution to society. Still no interview news, but hopefully he�s back this weekend from wherever the hell he�s been and I�ll hear something then. Okay, I�ve got a date with my bed.

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