
Hi, and welcome to jazz club
19.11.06, 10:48 am

You can all come out now, because I�m not going to talk about the anxiety gig. Well, bar this introductory paragraph about how I�m not going to talk about it. I�ve been battling it all week and I think I�m just about winning, but am completely sick of writing about it. I�ve also noticed that I haven�t just written a normal what-have-I-been-up-to entry for forever, so let�s get started.

So, Monday night me and the boy were meant to be going to the opera up in Buxton, where we managed half an hour of it before I started feeling really sick again (even now I�m not right from the poisoning last weekend) and he had to take me home again. I felt horrendously bad, as he�d been looking forward to it for forever, but he was fantastic and just said, �Don�t worry yourself, there�ll be other operas�.

He had his revenge though, as Wednesday night he dragged me off to a Jazz evening at a pub on Eccy Road. Stupidly, I pretended that I liked jazz on one of the first dates so that he�d be impressed (I know, I know) and now he insists on taking me to see jazz CONSTANTLY. Some jazz is okayish� most is frickin� brain-numbingly dull. This particular one wasn�t too bad � the music made me feel like I was in the middle of Amelie � and I got a stamp on my hand that just said JAZZ. But seriously, I don�t think I can handle anymore jazz. I thought that maybe the more I tried it the more I�d like it (worked for cups of tea, king prawns and Lisa�s friends) but no, instead it gets even MORE awful.

I managed work both Wednesday and Thursday (Friday I had booked off as holiday anyway), and on Wednesday was the only person in the lab � Indie Chick was still sick with the same poisoning, Mini Boss was ill with �flu and Dr Bone was working from home. I went completely insane on my own, did about 30 minutes actual work writing up protocols, and spent the rest of the time dancing round the lab to Radio 6. Oh, and I also had to go to a talk on Legionnaire�s Disease � they�re all total panic stations about the bloody thing. I�m ashamed to admit that I doodled throughout the entire hour.

Friday I was meant to be going down to Sussex to visit Becky, but after last weekend decided not to on the account of that it�d absolutely wreck me (six hours on the train plus inevitable delays at London). Again, much feelings of guilt, especially as I now won�t see her until March and she�s currently massively homesick. But anyway, I�ve taken my booked holiday regardless, because I figured I could do with the break. And so Friday I nipped into town to buy some new jeans, wrecked myself, came home and watched ITV2 until the evening, and then went out with the boy for a meal to celebrate him being paid. I was bugger all company.

And then yesterday, for reasons completely unknown other than him being amazing and so much better than me, he drove me up to Manchester as I�m staying here until Monday night in order to see my dad for a bit. My dad was a lot friendlier this time, thank God, and seems to like him. My dad�s hardly been here though, as he�d rather go off to Ladyfriend�s. This doesn�t really bother me, as it happened with Bernie too. What�s bothering me more is that I don�t think I like Ladyfriend very much, hence why I don�t call her by her actual name. I really tried to like her but I don�t think she likes me, which kind�ve puts huge dampeners on my enthusiasm. She�s singularly unfriendly, and doesn�t come up to Bernie�s standard even slightly, and God I�ve really got to stop thinking of it like that. Bernie is gone and Ladyfriend is here to stay, and I have to just get used to it.

Frig all planned for today, bar having a bath. Life�s currently going through cycles of being not bad and then really awful, and we�re currently in a �not bad� peak, which suits me just fine. However, my dad said something about trying to get me, him and Ladyfriend to all do something today. Really, really hope that all falls through. Buggery, I still have news to convey and this entry�s getting huge. This is the problem with writing solely about your mini life crises� normal stuff just builds up massively.

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