
Mushy stuff
3rd July 2005, 3:53 pm

Well I'm currently in the middle of one of the best weekends I've had in a long, long time, possibly ever. I'll talk about the move first though:

Warning: This is another of those entries that you'll probably find immensely yawnworthy unless you're me, so please feel free to skim read it, or ignore it completely.

Moving house was incredibly stressful, simply due to the volumes of stuff that had to be transferred from one house to the other. Michelle and I got lumbered with transferring most of the communal house stuff (Michelle has a car), and then at half nine on the Thursday evening we decided to take my stuff over too, and save my dad the hassle of coming down. Carrying excessively heavy things, like my computer monitor, down my very steep attic stairs was not something I want to repeat ever.

We didn't get chance to move all of my things Thursday night, so had to do a repeat performance Friday morning. Because of this we got stuck with the task of checking the house over, throwing out all the rubbish, taking all the bottles to the recycling place (if I'd have had my way, we'd have just thrown it all in the bim. Recycling's great, it's just not practical for students) and handing all the keys back to Steve.

The rest of Friday was spent moving my stuff up to my new room (again in the attic, only it's about three times bigger than my old room, woo!). My arms, by this point, felt crippled. I love my room though, and have already claimed most of the extra furniture in the house as my own (table, lampshade and rug). I'm also ashamed to admit that I scavenged around in people's rooms that hadn't yet moved in and stole loose nails from their walls.

Saturday lunchtime I got on a train to Nottingham to go to Lisa's party - combined my journey with Suzy (Lisa's housemate), though she was going straight to Lisa's and I was going on to Notts to meet up with various people. The journey was passed talking... Suzy is infinitely lovely, she's the kind of person you feel like you've known for years and years upon meeting for the first time.

The rest of the day was spent meeting firstly Emma and Katie in town (we played "Spot the ugliest piece of jewellery in Top Shop, and then guess its outrageous price"), then Lise by the lions in Slab Square (left lion, of course). Both of us then got a bus to Lisa's, and spent the rest of the night getting steadily drunker on vermouth and lemonade - picked as it reminded us of being 17 and getting drunk at my house.

Have you ever had a day when you've just felt completely loved by everyone who is important to you? Because that's how Saturday felt to me. Seeing them all, especially Em, who I hadn't seen in over a year, was so fantastic, and I didn't want the day to end. They are three people whom upon I wish nothing other than fireworks, fanfares, confetti and happiness. Emma looks a lot different, but it's still her inside: she still makes me laugh, told me that I look lovely (much appreciated), still gets what goes on inside my head and still gives the best hugs ever. Lise is so similar to me, and we can just sit and talk for hours... I see her maybe 3-4 times a year, but every time we meet everything feels exactly the same, like we still see each other every day as we did in 6th form. I think we had one of those drunken "I'm so glad we're friends, and I love you so much" conversations last night, but I can't be sure. And Lisa, well... she's so very special to me, and I only feel now like I'm being a proper friend to her. It makes me wish that I hadn't pissed around with our friendship so much in the first year of uni, that I should have tried harder.

I'm spending today at my gran's, though I spent last night at Lise's. She has a baby ferret (Lise, not my gran obviously) which is the cutest thing in the world, especially when he yawns. My gran's driving me back tonight, which will be a terrifying experience. However, she seems to have aquired a paranoia about speed cameras, so she now still drives appallingly awfully but at half the speed. Don't be fooled though, this doesn't make it any less scary, as she still can't stay in lanes, keep her eyes on the road for more than 10 seconds or indicate properly. I really hope we don't die halfway up the M1.

Starting work tomorrow - have to go meet Professor Shaw's "research team" at half nine. I'm quietly terrified, but I'm sure I'll enjoy it once I get into things. The first day of a new job is always crappy anyway. We still don't have internet yet - I'm going to attempt to sort out the network router when I get home tonight - so this may be the only update for a while, unless I get chance to write something on one of the uni computers.

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