
Fun house, whole lotta fun
2nd September 2005, 11:24 am

I'm sure that you'll all be ecstatic to learn that I had a day yesterday which didn't consist solely of going to work, going home, eating and sleeping. For once I did actual Things, and had Fun. What is this wacky thing called life?! I want me some more!

First fun event: I went to The Place, which is a pub in Broomhill, and had lunch with a load of the work kids to celebrate PhD Millhouse finishing his degree. WHIMITC actually bought me a drink, which makes me think that either karma has already bitten her and she's consequently turned into a nice person, or that she's a skitzophrenic. Believe what you like.

Second fun event: I had the afternoon off work. I requested it off, and told Mini Boss that I would go home and start writing my report. Unfortunately, I instead went into town and bought two pairs of jeans, due to the current ones I own having holes in inapporpriate places. This is one of my major character flaws - I often have very good intentions, but sometimes fail to come through on them. I honestly did mean initially to go home and work. Instead I spent �51. C'est la vie.

I then went to Game Station (ha! Oh the geekiness) and bought a couple of retro Mega Drive games. I also gave a quid to the Save The Animals woman who was stationed outside of Sainsbury's, thus topping up my good karma. WHIMITC, take note.

Third fun event: Dave and I went to Leadmill to see The Arcade Fire play. It was absolutely fantastic, and I enjoyed every second of it. I had another of those moments, when you feel like everything is perfect, and that you wouldn't want to be anyone else but you. At one point, when Dave was standing in front of me, I felt so happy that I had the mad urge to wrap my arms around Dave's neck and yell "WOOHOO!" in his ear, but I refrained. We're definately going to see them again next time they tour.

I have to take the time out now to share a little Dave love. Not only did he pick me up from town after I'd been shopping, but he also picked me up before tea, took me to his house and cooked me two of the most amazing burgers ever, then drove us both to the gig and then took me home again, as well as lending me his multi-regional DVD player so that I can watch season 1 of Angel. He really is insanely lovely sometimes.

To say thankyou for this, I helped him move his huge wide-screen TV into the boot of his car (it's broken, so he changed it at ASDA for a new one) and move the new one back into his house and into position.

Me: This really is a huge-ass box.
Dave: It's a huge-ass TV.
Me: This box would make the best boat in the world, if you were like five years old.
Dave: What do you mean, if you were like five?

Hee! We didn't actually climb into it and play Boats, but it was really tempting. He made me watch Hollioakes, which killed my soul just a little.

My Mega Drive also came yesterday, so that added to the general happiness. No doubt this weekend will result in me spending endless hours geeking away with it. Matt ringing me once I got in from the gig definately completed the happiness vibe of yesterday though, as the conversation we had was lovely, and reassured me that he wasn't going off me in any way. I have a tendency to get a little paranoid about that kind of thing.

God, will this entry never end. See, it's a good thing when I have boring days, because then my entries are a lot briefer. Today I'm trying to write my report - so far I've only done Materials and Methods - and will be doing a spin-down this afternoon. God I can't wait for the weekend.

Last paragraph, promise. I'm off to go buy some lunch (still the highlight of the day) and then may visit the Neighbours website. Speaking of which, the post-coital scene with Lynne and Bobby was really quite REVOLTING, and made me want to vomit bile everywhere. Please god let it never happen again.

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