
Revision has landed
13.05.06, 12:08 pm

Jesus, that last entry was the whiniest thing ever. My apologies for that � it was just a very bum day, especially with the whole boring feeling sick thing, which I couldn�t shift by, you know, actually being sick. More on the fascinating sick thread later though. I�ve just had a shower, there�s a cup of tea next to me and Becky�s just gone to the gym, which means that I get to play all the embarrassing songs on my playlist really loudly. Life isn�t that bad after all.

Before I go banging on about my existence for the last couple of days, I�ll firstly mention something completely domestic and boring. One of our showers has been leaking through the downstairs ceiling for forever now, and as Stumpy Dwarfman still hasn�t been round to sort it all 7 of us have been using the one shower. Becky yesterday decided to clean the bathroom, and the sight of our 7 toothbrushes now stacked in an old mug from downstairs is strangely endearing. We�ve only got about a month left of us all living together and I think we�re all feeling it. Lots of hugging and promises of doing endless �fun things� in the 10 free days we have after our last exam, in-between all the bitching about revision and how all the library books have been taken out by geeks.

Anyway, back to the task in hand. Since the last whine-fest I�ve been feeling exactly the same (big fatigue, no strength, random muscle cramps, stupid tremor, just fuck off mystery illness) but I�ve decided to just get on with things, because what you gonna do really? Also, I take back the comment about my dad not caring, as he replied to my text really early yesterday morning, and then rang me once I texted back and was all concerned that we still don�t know what it is. So yeah, it�s just a case of ignoring it now as much as possible. Don�t be fooled by all this moral-boosting babble � I still get incredibly frustrated sometimes (like yesterday when lifting up the 6-pinter of milk to make a cup of tea was quite hard work) but you know, in essence it can go fuck itself.

That paragraph was really badly written, but you get the gist. So yesterday was spent at my last lecture ever, which comprised of figuring out an essay plan for a past exam question on peristalsis and smooth muscle and shit, before finishing with a Q & A about the module in general. It�s very weird thinking that I don�t have to go to any more lectures � least it means less public glasses wearing, which can only be a good thing. Paddy was always jealous that my lecture notes handwriting was always as neat as my normal handwriting, whilst his ended up scrawling across three pages and being all wonky. I�ll also miss Amy turning to me after about ten minutes every lecture, rolling her eyes and muttering, �Are you even slightly interested in this?� Yes, yes I am, and that�s the problem. I have a geeky love of science, and may have to go to some of Lisa�s chemistry lectures next year to compensate.

Spent the rest of yesterday in the I.T Centre (my new home) doing revision, and then last night me and some of the kids went out to the pub, after deciding that fun was needed. I got quite drunk, bought some Southern Fried Chicken on the way home and sat eating it with Hannah in front of the ITV carnage that is The Mint at about one in the morning. Just in time to witness Em sneaking out again to meet some of her medic people who were having some kind of party in the park, a bottle of wine stuffed under her coat. Needless to say, she�s very hungover today. I am not though, so go me!

My today will be spent revising as always, and I�ll probably go to the library tonight after Doctor Who. Actually, I�m going to have to wrap this entry up here as the typing is making my hands ache. I�ll leave you with news that I�ve just received an email from the Ceremonies Office reminding me to put in an order to hire some robes for my graduation on July 18th. I�m going to look like such a dick in the hat.

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