
Hair crimping's where it's at, Christine Booth
22.05.06, 3:45 pm

As most of my existence is currently occupied with revising, half-arsed meals devoid of any nutritional value, the exchange of mouldy mugs for fresh cups of tea and trips to I.T. Centre so that I at least get out of the house, this entry has no structure at all and contains no actual news (at least I doubt it will). Buckle yourselves in, y�all.

Ended up having a big long heart-to-heart with Becky last night randomly, talking about families. I get the feeling she thinks my dad kind�ve sucks ass now. It�s weird; I don�t do heart-to-hearts often. However, what�s weirder is that Becky�s leaving for home on Thursday � she�ll be back for a couple of weekends, but essentially is moving out soon. You spend three years living with someone and getting to know them, and suddenly it�s time to move on. Obviously I�ll still see her, but living with someone is kind�ve the ultimate. She�s just brought me a cup of tea this second; I�m reat going to miss her. Wow, check this mush out � I shall shelve it all for the time being, don�t worry, because there�s definitely more to come as the end of term approaches and excess mush is no one�s friend.

Actually before we go on, Becky�s decided to make a documentary about life in this house (I�d type my actual address to give the documentary its proper title, but I don�t think anyone else would do that and I probably need to worry about stalkers more. Ha, foiled again, Nigel the Stalker!) as she has too much spare time on her hands and is decidedly sentimental. There�s going to be official interviews and everything, and so if anyone wants to see me in my natural habitat talking way too much and making an absolute tit of myself, as I�m warrant to do whenever anyone gets a video camera out, please let me know and I�ll post the video to you. I�m going to get to be assistant director/camera person and everything, it�s just too exciting.

I�m finding it mildly concerning that despite being at Uni for three years now, I�m relying rather heavily on answers.com and Wikipedia to help me understand my modules. Also, it doesn�t matter how many times Charlotte Church sings me O Mio Babbino Caro, my classical music playlist does bugger all to inspire me to work.

If a demonstration of Crazy American Psycho�s total schizophrenia is needed, then Paddy provided me with one the other day. Apparently he was walking up the steps to our department office and noticed her marching across the concourse, crazy blonde frizzy hair flying everywhere (I have supplied a picture so that you can get a full mental picture:)

This caused him to speed up (obviously) and he went into the department office to talk to head reception person Christine Booth (spawn of Satan, if not solely because she tries to make out that the Biology Society�s where it�s at and it�s CLEARLY NOT IN ANY WAY) about opening the BLT lecture theatre early so that he could practise giving his presentation. Next thing, the door crashed open, Crazy American Psycho stormed over to the reception window and shoved a finger in Christine Booth�s face:

�YOU! I�ve just been down to make sure that Lecture Theatre 1 is open for the students to practise and it�s locked! I am so pissed off! It is an absolute disgrace, why the hell isn�t it open yet??�

The Booth got to begin saying, �Oh, I�m very sorry, but the theatres are normally opened at half eight so there�s still a couple of minutes left yet�� before:

�I DON�T CARE ABOUT THE TIME! It�s an absolute bloody outrage; these students have come here to practise! You English, you�re all so goddamn polite, that�s your problem! There�s no one who'll stand up for themselves and demand action!� She then turned to Paddy with, �NO ONE�S ON YOUR SIDE BUT I AM! No one�s ever on the students� side but I am, and I�m going to make sure things are different around here!� Then back to The Booth: �Those damn doors better be unlocked now, I�ve left my coffee outside the door and everything! I AM SO PISSED OFF!�

With that she marched off and took Paddy with her, who got to suffer some horrifically awkward conversation with her all the way back to the lecture theatre. The woman�s a total maniac and needs sectioning pronto, and my previous comments about her being likely to eat my head are totally justified. However, if she gives me a 1st for my library project then I may be forced to marry her. And maybe get myself a nice hair crimp too as a sign of my gratitude.

Yay, MI update! Worst legs day so far, with them pretty much refusing to do any activity without feeling incredibly stiff and hurting. I have to express huge love to Michelle here, who�s agreed to give me a lift to my first exam as it�s up at Ranmoor Hall of Residence, and consequently a good half hour walk from here. I think the legs would tell me to sod off if I attempted that. Now I�m about to go book my doctors appointment for Friday, because I would indeed be sad if I couldn�t get my fortnightly fix of Dr Blood-Test.

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