
Two exams and a goodbye
26.05.06, 6:54 pm

Sorry, it�s actually been quite a while.

I�ve had two exams since I last wrote, one on Wednesday afternoon and then the other on Thursday morning. In case anyone�s slightly interested, and clearly no one should be, the first was my Developmental Neurobiology one, where I banged on about synaptogenesis (formation of nerve connections, which all the kids now know and �synaptogenesis for all� is currently written on the fridge in fridge magnets), and the second was my Neurogastroenterology one, where I banged on about sensory innervation of the gut and its role in Irritable Bowel Syndrome. They both seemed to go pretty well, to be honest. Thinking about them gives me a slight sinking feeling in my stomach, because I am ridiculously unstressed about my finals and it makes me think that I�ve not learned enough and haven�t written enough in the exams.

Amy apparently rang Paddy the night before the exam and asked him such moronic questions about the Gastro exam that he ended up giving her an overview of the whole module. That�s what comes of spending your life at your dickhead boyfriend�s and going to no lectures. Also, she�s clearly given up on phoning me for help, because she knows that I�m sick of carrying her through her degree and just sack off all her questions with, �I can�t really remember, to be honest�. I totally can remember; Wednesday night Paddy and I had a twenty-minute phone conversation about the mechanisms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome. IBS is the stupidest disease ever and only stupid people get it. Okay fine, that�s not true. I�m still completely in love with him, which is just so very wonderful. Not at all like someone repeatedly stamping on your kidneys.

Mystery illness update: not good.

The other big event is that Becky packed up all her room and moved back home on Thursday afternoon. It was horrifically sad, and the whole week previous to the event had been spent stubbornly ignoring the fact, until Wednesday night when she had a wee cry and I gave her a ridiculously mushy card because my stunted emotion gene felt like excelling itself. Once I got back from my exam on Thursday I spent most of my time sat in her room whilst she packed, which was a bit like being stuck in the middle of a carboot sale as Becky kept trying to palm useless crap off onto me. But yeah, her dad turned up in the afternoon and all her stuff got carted downstairs � I was allowed to sit out of the carrying due to the MI (get in!) � and she gave me a return ridiculously mushy card, and then suddenly we were all stood outside hugging and saying goodbye. Everyone looked like they were about to cry.

Once she�d driven off I went back upstairs and into her room, shut both of her skylights, unwedged the door and closed it. It was all a bit symbolic. I know it�s not like I�m never going to see her again � I think she�s back in like a fortnight for the day and a couple of other random days after that � but it�s just the normal, every day stuff that I�ll miss. Being able to tell her about all the boring mini-events that happen during my day and her making me random cups of tea and watching Farthing Wood and all that jazz. It�s all very sad, and I�m not going to make any excuses for the sadness because I have none. This is what the end of third year is all about. And it can only get sadder from here on in.

After the big goodbye, I went off to the I.T. Centre, primarily to distract myself but also because I have my other two exams next Tuesday and Wednesday, and still have a lot of work to do for them. It�s times like this that I really miss Lisa and wish she was around, because I could then just go round to hers and end up feeling better. Actually what did make me feel slightly better was coming home and watching over some of the yet unfinished documentary of our house. However, it made me noticed that my voice has completely whored itself all over the documentary, because if I�m not pointing out things of interest to Becky whilst she was behind the camera then I�m behind the camera and giving endless rambling commentary about absolutely nothing in particular. Such as, when we were out in the �garden�: Becky: Oh, and there�s Emily�s window, look. She�s not in at the moment� Me: �Ohh yes, (zoom) there�s Em�s win� we have a satellite dish! Did you know we have a satellite dish? Has it always been there? Wow! Anyway, there�s Em�s window, which still doesn�t close properly, and over the wall there is next door.� Becky: �Yep, we�ve never met them but Holly�s friend lives there.� Me: �My friend Jen lives there� (zoom) just through that door. She�s lovely." Blatantly no one is caring. Plus I�m clearly the next� okay I can�t even think of a famous cameraman that I can sarcastically compare myself to. Sigh.

Went to see Dr Blood-test on Friday morning, and my repeat blood test results are apparently all fine, so he didn�t get to live up to his name and order yet more repeats. I�ve not got to see him again, and now have to just wait until I get my referrals through. It�s five weeks today since the mystery illness turned up.

It�s not all been doom and gloom. I�ve been to the pub too many times to say that bloody finals are here, and Tuesday lunchtime all the kids and me went up to The Damn House for a final lunch together. My soda and lime cost 60p, which sounds wondrous but really isn�t, seeing as I can get it for 20p at the Union. It�s just a funny time of year now, and a big air of sadness is hanging over our house that you can�t really escape.

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