
Schneid ice cream
28.05.06, 11:48 am

The fact that the highlight of today was discovering that I can actually click my fingers really very loudly kind�ve illustrates the sheer fascinatingness of my current life. Maybe tomorrow I�ll try and see if I can do the splits. The answer�ll be no, just for the record. I�m so inflexible it�s stupid� I can�t even sit up straight with my legs flat in front of me because my hamstrings are so tight. Lisa keeps telling me that that�s a bad thing and I�ll get arthritis in old age, but I�m afraid I don�t have a spare three years to gently stretch them out. Writing�s that�s just reminded me that I haven�t been to the gym in over five weeks now, which is horrifically depressing. Unfortunately going would be a complete waste of time, seeing as I currently have to sometimes rest at the top of the stairs like a total gerio.

Currently revising the use of laboratory animals in cancer studies for my Cancer Biology module. There�s a picture of a load of different coloured mice all sat cleaning themselves and combing their whiskers. They all look really cute, and looking at it gives me a sudden twinge of, �Maybe animal testing is just too cruel and unnecessary�, much like the twinge I had back in the MND lab over the summer when I had to go over to the Mouse House of Death. I can still remember what Doctor Mole said to me then though, and it helps: �No one likes doing animal testing; no one likes the idea of it. It�s the only way though� if there were another way of testing then we�d all be doing it by now. You�ve just got to accept it as necessary and get on with things.�

I�m currently being set upon by the most horrendous hormones ever, and consequently everyone is suffering because of it. Well, they�re not suffering too much, because the hormones mean that I make myself stay out at the I.T. Centre for the majority of the day, else I might otherwise end up eating certain people�s faces. But yeah, it�s pretty annoying, because I�m usually so centred on the one mood, i.e. irritatingly chirpy and won�t ever shut up. However, as crap as it to be feeling alternatively enraged and totally flat, I am a little glad that I have hormones, because that means that my period�s due soon and I�m therefore not pregnant. Not that there was really any chance of me being pregnant, but irrational fears don�t care about facts, and I have been kind�ve worried that that was what the whole mystery illness was about, what with the dates correlating and everything. Plus I�m about a week late. And obviously I couldn�t tell any of the kids about the irrational fear because I didn�t tell them about that weekend, so I�ve just been carrying it around with me. But it�s okay because the hormones are finally here, and so hopefully the period will follow. If it doesn't then I guess I'm a bit screwed.

I�m also totally pining for Becky, which is either kind�ve cute or kind�ve sad. I rang her last night though, after she texted me to say that her sister was pissing her off and that she really wanted to come back to Shef, and am consequently feeling temporarily sated. She�s managed to get onto this 6 month Christian course thing, which entails three months of learning at a place in Sussex and three months doing aid work abroad (I secretly think it sounds a little intense and scary, but shh), and I�ve said I�ll go down and visit her when she�s in Sussex, despite it being about nine hours on the train. I am possibly the bestest friend in the world ever.

Got ambushed by people from the Christian Union the other morning after the doctors, and wound up doing a questionnaire. The guy asking me questions was actually quite cute, and he seemed to like me too, although I�m not sure why as I answered his �Do you believe there is a God?� with a scrunched up face and a resigned, �Ermmm, probably not�. Actually, whilst we�re on the subject of boys, I walked home from my exam the other day with a friend off my course called Nick, who makes me laugh and smells nice and I think likes me. He�s not Paddy though. Also, I think I�ve come to the conclusion that I�m not that cut out for relationships anyway, but that�s a story for another day.

Revision is making so bored that I�m now going through every single bookmarked website on my Favourites to see if any will entertain me for a few minutes at a time. Some of my bookmarks are so geekified and generally schneid I�m actually embarrassed to write down what they are. One of them is for a website that hosts video files of all of the Neighbours credit sequences from the last twenty odd years. Clearly my life is sinking to new depths of utter rubbishness. And I can�t say the word �schneid� without laughing, because I always get a visual of Zoe saying to me, �Enjoy your schneid ice cream!� God, I love ice cream. When we had that sunny week (about three years ago now, it seems) I went through a phase of walking back from Uni and buying an ice cream from the van parked at the top of my road, which then constituted my lunch. Mel and Becky were none too impressed, and then became even less impressed when I explained that I wasn�t really that hungry as I�d only had my breakfast about an hour ago, i.e. a chocolate flapjack from the Union shop. It�s fine; I�m having a multi-vit every day, and once exams are over I�ll get back to eating real meals and stuff

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