
Nice boy seeks mouth-breather
05.10.06, 8:54 pm

Nightmare day, not made better by the fact that it�s rained constantly. Sheffield does not function well with rain; everyone knows this. All that happens is that all the morons jump into their cars and cause constant traffic jams, the buses all steam up inside and give you stupid hair, and your shoes get soaked from all the mini rivers that the never-ending hills make.

The Legionnaire�s Disease doesn�t seem to be moving on any time soon � more ridiculous shivering this afternoon, and I�m getting sick of waking up in a pool of slather because I can�t breathe through my mouth. Mouth-breathing is probably not a quality that boys look for in a girl. Someone would have said if it were, and we�d all be doing it even if we didn�t have TB. I doubt they�re too into hair stuck together with dribble either. ME is such a tosspot; I haven�t been this ill since Fresher�s Flu in first year. I�m so proud of myself for still going to work though; I�m a total machine.

I went down to the doctors halfway through work to get a Hepatitis B vaccination done, as although my job�s very low risk Occupational Health deemed it a good idea for me to get it done. I ended up waiting 45 minutes due to some cock-up with the computer system, and then the nurse didn�t want to give me the vaccination. At first I thought she was very rude and, for some reason, hating me, but it turned out she was hating Occupational Health instead, which is fine. Basically she was a bit reluctant to give it me with me having the cold, and then when she realised I had the ME she was very reluctant, as the ME weakens my immune system and the jab could then make me quite ill.

Why are nurses so much more sympathetic and nice than doctors? Having her know all about ME and being concerned about the effects of other things on it was such a change and so very lovely. Anyway, she�s going to speak to Occupational Health and ring me if I still need the vaccination. I don�t really mind either way, but obviously it�s nice to avoid people sticking things in your arm if you can and I�m quite sick of nurses stabbing me with needles.

Photo time because I did promise. There�s some holiday ones and a few randoms that I found whilst putting my holiday ones on Photobucket.

I�m sorry, I have to start with the most gorgeous of men. There is none as beautiful as my black cat. As I�ve told countless people, I�d marry him if he were human. Look! Look at him! He�s all black and glossy and fluffy and generally amazing.

That�d be me with my ice cream. Twisters have definitely gotten smaller since I was a kid, but I�m still in love with them. I�m sat outside a service station somewhere near Birmingham, and had just endured nearly two hours of Ladyfriend praise.

And that�s my dad and my sister, by the sea. I can�t stop my dad wearing Bob Marley t-shirts. I�ve tried but he just won�t listen.

In some random gardens in Somerset, heeding to my sister�s rallying cry of �Profile shot of family, come on lean forward!�

It looks all artistic and amazing, but there was actually a sign directing you to the view and they cut the trees back specially. However, I think everyone will agree that my focus is fantastic.

Me in the arcades, on one of the motorbike racing machine things. You don�t get to see the lower part of the photo because I look incredibly ungraceful. I�d also like to smugly point out that I beat my dad by a lot.

All three of us in front of the sea. I appear to be the only one who found the need to squint. Oh, and it's so narrow because the timed photo went kind've skewed and I had to crop off a lot of sky.

On the beach, just prior to the heroic swim. I don�t know why I�m looking so pleased with myself; half an hour later I sunk into the most horrific of crashes and had to be half-carried back to the car. That�ll teach me.

Rich, Mitch and me at the zoo, when we hijacked Mel�s camera after distracting her with cake or something.

BERET ALERT! Except it�s not actually a beret: it�s Ciaran�s hat that�s ended up looking like a beret. I�m going to stop saying the word beret now.

That is the sea. I figured everyone could do with some seaness in their lives.

Me laughing at something Lisa said, and some of my bedroom. Still no wardrobe, as you can see, hence the big stack of crap by my door. Once I get paid I swear I�ll buy one.

Finally, me as a babba. The annoying white border is because it's a scan. I don�t know who it was that thought it�d be hilarious to make me wear the plastic orange hat, but I was clearly not amused.

Working tomorrow afternoon rather than the morning, so that I can go to the pub with work afterwards. And then it�ll be the wonderful weekend, where I shall be doing wonderful things such as putting a wash on and paying the council tax. Actually I am doing some fun stuff too, but it�s a secret. And now I�m off to watch Ladette to Lady and eat some biscuits.

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