
The meeting of the mother
15.02.07, 8:34 pm

I stayed at James� Sunday night, which in theory was an idea of the stupidest proportions as I�m completely unused to sharing a bed with someone else and have so far had awful nights� sleep. Indeed I only got three hours that night, and ended up having to get up and go sleep in one of the spare rooms in desperation. However, it was ultimately all worth it, as during the pre-sleep cuddle the following happened:

James: *sigh*
Me: What�s up? You sound vexed.
James: I just think you�re so great.
Me: That�s not something to be vexed about though. If it helps, I think you�re the best thing since sliced bread.
James: *pause* Can I say something?
Me: Ooh, go on then.
James: I�m starting to fall in love with you.

I feel I should point out that reciprocal love scares the bejezus out of me. When he said those words, I felt an insane mix of emotions: big happiness, total relief and a sudden urge to jack it all in and run away. There�s no getting out of it now though; we�re in for the long haul. Big fat emotional involvement; heart on the line; scarily vulnerable sharing. It all sounds very exciting, except it�s happening to me and is therefore completely terrifying. And to top it all off, I have to meet his mother this weekend.

She�s coming down to help him with decorating his house, and will be staying for 6 days. Ergo, totally impossible to avoid meeting her without looking totally suspicious. Plus I don�t think James would be too chuffed with not seeing me for a week. We�re going to see As You Like It at The Crucible. Thankfully, I�ve been assured that I don�t have to wear a dress or anything.

* On a side note, can�t believe he managed to say that after I�d just asked him, completely seriously, if his conscience has a Scottish accent. Why doesn�t my total ridiculousness make him run for the hills?

Currently infected with mild �flu, or �evil lurgy� as it�s been dubbed at work. Had to come home early from work Tuesday as over the course of the day I felt more and more shocking, and took the day off yesterday. Today I struggled in heroically to finish off my work, as we�ve got some very important visitors coming on Monday that we�re going to ask for money and consequently need to impress them. Came home early though, and probably won�t go in tomorrow. Everything hurts, and of course I�m on my bastarding period too, so even my frickin� internal bits hurt. It feels like I�m walking around in a big Valiumy hot-and-cold bubble. I�m a bit bored of my Valiumy bubble now, and would like my ears to stop hurting too.

Consequently, Valentine�s Day was a blast. Theoretically it would have been fine, and indeed the boy arrived with roses and was very cute, but he was met by a clammy, grumpy, tired �flu monster, i.e. me. And instead of me going over to his, I stayed in the flat and gatecrashed Lisa and Linda�s evening instead. Kind�ve had to though, as he can�t get ill when he has to decorate his house all evening with his mother, and I wasn�t in the mood for anything even vaguely snuggley.

God God God, really don�t want to do the Parents thing on Saturday. Mel�s also down on Saturday, which is ace. Would much rather go to Tai Chi, see Mel and then slob around the flat, rather than go to the theatre and pretend to be sophisticated. I know bugger all about As You Like It.

If anything else vaguely interesting has happened this week then I can�t for the life of me think what it is. Lots of James mush, which I wouldn�t dream of forcing on anyone else, and endless moaning by me on the state of my health. Oh, Suzy (Lisa�s old roommate) is here this weekend with her boyfriend, Darren, and Linda will be here too. So the flat will be totally rammed, and I can�t escape because his bloody mother�s here. Must try extra hard to not say anything too insane/random/crude whilst making insightful and thought-provoking comments about Shakespeare's use of words. Definitely must not use the following phrases: "fannying around", "friggin' hell", "man alive", "Jesus bloody Christ".

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