
The double whammy
24.05.07, 6:51 pm

I had to have the day off work today as I managed to give myself a migraine last night. Consequently I�ve spent most of the day lying in bed watching Series 5 of America�s Next Top Model that I downloaded the other day(s). I know, both productive and character building! My computer is hating only having about 5kB of free space left, but it�s just going to have to suck it up because I fancy the pants off Kim.

Getting back to the subject, the migraine�s finally gone, thank the Lord. It came about because yesterday James�s new computer that he�d ordered didn�t turn up for the third time, and he got so annoyed (very sexy, incidently) that suddenly we�re on the road to Coventry to pick the thing up from the depot. It was boiling hot, and I got steadily grumpier. Then we eventually reached Coventry, which is such a fucking cesspool I�m lost for words to adequately describe it. The city centre is just a mass of shitty concrete fly-overs with no proper signposts, and James got me to map read which made me hideously travel sick (reading in cars always does), and so by the time we finally found the damn place I was not in the happiest of places. Anyway, we got the computer finally (bad head by this point) and stopped off at a lovely service station for some tea, and I think the panini I ate had some MSG in it because my head soon turned into pounding migraine and fuzzy vision.

So yes, hideous night and day today, but the boy�s happy with his spangly new computer so it wasn�t all in vain. Now then, shall we get on to the interesting stuff?

So, my dad rang Tuesday night and was clearly scared about jumping straight in, as it kind�ve went like this:

My dad: So how�re things then?
Me: Pretty much exactly the same as they were yesterday.
My dad: *pause* What did we talk about yesterday?
Me: My new contact, my new house�
My dad: Oh yes. *pause* So how�s work going?
Me: It�s fine, pretty busy.
My dad: Good, good. *pause* That�s good.

Eventually we actually got down the real reason. Or reasons, as it turns out. It�s a double whammy of awfulness. He�s moving to New Mills (expected) and they�re getting married (if I�m honest, seen as inevitable but not this soon). I was so good on the phone. I was horrendously tired because it had been a long day, but I managed to sound really pleased and supportive. Obviously I couldn�t have been all, �Oh no, you�re not marrying that woman because I don�t like her, so buck your ideas up, sonny�, but I was so convincing I half convinced myself.

Think my dad�s planning on selling the house in Manchester quite soon. There�s a whole load of bad stuff kicked off with Ciaran, with regards to money and Bernie, which I�m not happy to talk about here. I didn�t realise until later on that I might see Ciaran and Martin again once my dad moves, which is just gutting, but what can you do. I feel very odd about selling that house� it�s the usual memories thing. I can�t really explain it without seriously depressing everyone, so I won�t. Needless to say, I�m incredibly unthrilled about having to go to Amanda�s house to visit my dad from now on.

The wedding is going to be in autumn, either late September or early October. It�s my dad�s life � he can marry whomever the hell he wants, and he seems really happy. I�m not particularly happy. To be honest, I haven�t fully processed it (especially the bit where I�m soon to have lovely step-siblings), but initial reactions aren�t promising. I just think he can do better. Amanda�s not severely unpleasant or a complete bitch to me� we just don�t really get on. She�s not even close to Bernie; that�s the problem. The main thing though, is that my dad�s happy. Ultimately it doesn�t matter what my opinion of it all is. Ha, I bet that all completely changes when I visit my dad and start realising what it all means life-wise.

Jesus only knows what my gran�s going to say when she finds out.

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