
Small weekend snapshot
09.06.07, 7:05 pm

One of the more unfortunate characteristics of the boy is that he�s a huge fan of the Grand Prix, and I am really not. Every race I try to get interested, become bored after a few laps and wander off, wander back later on and then become annoyed when the bleeding thing is still going on. Right now the qualifying thingy is going on and he�s happily engrossed (I didn�t even attempt to find it interesting), and so I�ve snuck away to start writing this entry. However, it�s inevitable that he�ll come popping up here soon and catch me mid-entry, and then we�ll have more boring questions about my online diary-writing.

We�ve already had one conversation about it, ending with me saying, �Yes, but you can�t read it, okay? Seriously, you CAN�T. You CAN�T search for my name on Google - it doesn�t come up anyway - or search for it some other way. This is really important. Don�t read it.� As predicted, he�s just come up and brought me a wee apple pie, but I managed to minimise this. I then broke off the top of the thing trying to get it out of its tin foil case, and whilst trying to fish out the rest of the pie the following inexplicably happened:

Me: Don�t tickle me whilst i�m concentrating!
James: *laughs* You�re great.
Me: Well, not really.
James: I love you.
Me: I love you as well. Not whilst you�re tickling me though. I only just like you then - it gets downgraded.

I have no idea why he thinks someone who can�t even take an apple pie out of its tin case without ballsing it up is great, but there you go. It�s 6 months on Wednesday and we�re apparently going out for a meal to celebrate. I shall be celebrating the fact that after 6 months someone can still put up with me moaning about how hot it is, leaving old mugs everywhere and talking endlessly about mice/guitars/various family crises/how much I love cups of tea.

We went over to Graves Park this afternoon, after a morning spent pratting around town. James sneezed about 500 times due to his excessive hayfever, and I banged on about how I dislike most kids (lots of horrible brats at the park getting in everyone�s way). And then we saw baby ducks, a baby squirrel, baby swans and a DONKEY, and everything was excellent in the world once more. Apart from that the rest of the week�s been very uneventful as I�ve been having a tired patch and not been up to much.

The lease on my flat is nearly up, and in a fortnight I�ll be starting to shift my stuff over to my new room. Moving is such a pain in the arse, not least because we�re going to have to clean the sodding flat from top to bottom in order to get the deposit back. Lisa will love this (not that she�s ever around to love it. Do I sound bitter and annoyed? Well, that�s because I am) but I will not. Plus I�ll miss living there, because I�ve made friends with all the grannies and they feed me tea and chocolate biscuits.

For no reason at all, I have had the song He�s Got The Whole World In His Hands in my head all sodding day. James and I replaced the lyrics with �He�s just a big paedo with his hands� and �He�s got a big penis in his hands� this morning, but it hasn�t helped to dispel the song from my head. I�d better go give him a hand with tea (James, not God), despite having had indigestion for the last two days. That reminds me - I sent Becky my Why I Think Religion Is Crap letter on Friday, and have had no response so far. After I�d written it I had an attack of �Oh God, what if she hates me?� and texted her to see if she actually wanted to read it or not, and she said she did so I posted it. I wasn�t brutal in any sense of the word, but I�m still a little worried about the whole thing. Oh balls, better go make the tea.

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