
Princess of deliciousness
05.11.07, 9:23 pm

Bit of a nightmare week, as my long awaited period never actually turned up. I had all the symptoms and the cramps and then nothing. Sod all. After spending a couple of days wondering what I�d do if I actually were pregnant (answer: dissolve into a pool of despair, as it would literally be the end of the world) I bought a pregnancy test from Boots on Friday after work, waited until I was at James�s (as I didn�t want to be on my own if it turned out positive) and then weed on a plastic stick. Longest three minutes ever. It was negative, thank fucking CHRIST.

So I went to see the doctor this morning, who poked me a few times to check that my womb hasn�t knobbed off for a chat with my liver or something. My womb is present and correct, which fills me with joy because I just love my useless baby-carrying muscle pouch that can�t even do its sodding part-time job properly, namely clenching and unclenching a bit 12 times a year. The doctor has booked me in for a blood test tomorrow (I have so missed the NHS taking my life-juice) to check RBC, hormone levels etc, as well as the pregnancy hormone, and said that it was probably down to awry hormones, and that there�s nothing to worry about. You know, I don�t really see the justice in how horrible chavs can shag around all day every day without a care in the world and no thought to contraception and remain blissfully baby-free. And then I, who worry about pregnancy fanatically and am so careful that I�m one step from booking James in for a vasectomy, have to go through all this bollocksy hormone bollocks and spend way too many minutes picturing myself telling my line manager that I have to take some time off to have an abortion. GOD.

For those of you who know me, you�ll realise that I�m being incredibly flippant about the whole thing, and that it�s all been quite horrible. And the pregnancy test was really quite scary.

Anyway, apart from that everything is ticking on as usual. Last Tuesday me and Indie Chick took the morning off work, and joined all the other floor techs at a health spa (they basically asked us along to their group�s team-building exercise that their academic lets them go on each year). It basically involved 13 girls sitting around in very hot rooms or very hot and steamy rooms talking about sex, before sitting in the lounge bit in big fluffy white dressing gowns drinking hot chocolate. The place was a bit pretentious, especially as the door leading to the hot/steamy rooms had a big sign with the word EXPERIENCE on it, which made me laugh, but all in all we had an ace time.

Me and James went down to Nottingham on Thursday night to have tea with my gran, which passed without a hitch. She seems to be doing well enough, but talking (and filtering out all non-gran suitable material) for three hours doesn�t half knacker me out. For once I didn�t get a lecture on wearing more make-up though, which is nice.

Work is incredibly busy at the moment, but I�m getting used to working full-time. I�m also tantalisingly close to being in credit bank balance-wise. By next pay day, which is the end of the month, I shall have come out of my �2000 overdraft, and it will have taken me one year and 5 months since I stopped being a student. Saying all that though, Christmas is edging ever closer, and I think I�m expected to buy Amanda and the Sproglets presents.

Finally, James made up the following song about Delia Smith the other day as we checked whether it was a good idea to put a little red wine in the stew:

�Oh Deliaaaaa, she�s the queen of haute cuisine
Deliaaaaa, she�s the princess of deliciousness�

He�s so cute. Apart from when he tickles me on the stomach whenever I reach up in a stretch, and then tells me that he�s not mean, he�s lovely.

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