
Don't stop me now, I'm having such a good time
30.12.05, 11:33 am

Every day I am falling more and more in love with my guitar. I know, I talk way too much about the damn thing, but I can�t help it. I guess it just boils down to the fact that I really love music, and being able to play music that I love is like the ultimate. Does that even make sense? However, it�s been pointed out to me that Maria is actually an inappropriate synonym, so I may have to rename her. Has to be something Latin-American (obviously) and vaguely sexy. And compatible with Ricardo.

Yesterday, instead of revising hard, I firstly watched The Goonies with my sister and Ciaran (which has to be one of my most favourite kid films of all time), my folder propped on my knee. That revision technique never EVER works, so I don�t really know why I continue to try it. And after it had finished me and Alice then toddled off The Trafford Centre, along with the other 50,000 people who had had exactly the same idea.

The Traff is wondrous when it�s vaguely empty. Yesterday it was not wondrous (god, Word�s had to correct my spelling of �wondrous� twice now). Pushchairs should be banned from all shopping centres around Christmas time - I was nearly ran over by some bloke pushing a wheelbarrow type one, and decided that the best way to handle that was to shout "whoa whoa WHOA" in his face. He then gave me a load of abuse, but my sister dragged me away before I could reply. Other things that should be banned include all children prone to crying, all tourists who insist on videotaping the damn fountains for hours on end, and all people who refuse to walk at a decent speed. People who refuse to walk at a decent speed and then stop right in front of you to decide whether or not to go into a shop or not should be escorted to the nearest open space and then have things thrown at them.

Anyway, slight deviation there. I bought a new bra � have now gone down to a 34 D, which is vaguely worrying. Where is it all going?, Girl, Interrupted on DVD and the Kanye West album. Yes, there is a portion of my brain that loves decent hip-hop and R&B, and I�m not ashamed of it either. Point is, I shouldn�t have bought any of these items because I have no spare money at all. Sometimes I am decidedly crappy.

Came home with one of the worst headaches my head has ever experienced, and spent the rest of the night in pain. Lisa rang me, providing me with brief relief, but I ended up going to bed at half ten and slept for 12 blissful hours. Have woken up feeling positively spritely, so woo!

My sister leaves for gay Paris tonight; my dad�s driving her to Liverpool Airport this evening and I shall be more than likely going with them. Cue one of those airport leaving scenes that you see in the movies. I still haven�t gotten my head around the fact that my sister�s going to be living in a different country from me, and that I won�t be seeing her for months at a time, and to be honest that�s just fine. Ignorance is bliss. I get the feeling I�m going to be kind�ve depressed tomorrow.

Which reminds me, somehow. Here�s a picture of my beautiful, wonderful friends from back home:

It goes Standy, me, Lise and Lisa. If I�m looking smug in the picture then it�s because I was, because I was having a fantastic time and I love them all to tiny pieces. Whilst we�re on the photo train, this is me looking cynical at my gran�s:

Next year I shall definitely try and aquire some more festive spirit from somewhere. It must be because I don�t like mince pies. However, although I cannot do festive too well I can at least do �looking like a complete dick� pretty well � excuse the crazy double chin that appeared out of nowhere:

Think I�m done for the time being. Tomorrow I shall write one of those �summing up the year� entries, or at least attempt to, but for now I�m going to go have another cup of tea and watch Dr Who again, seeing as David Tennant is complete yumminess personified. Word just tried to tell me �yumminess� isn't a proper word then, the foolish piece of software. Okay I really am going now.

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