
Last days of second year
11th June 2005, 9:07 pm

So it appears that my second year of uni is finished. I'm now a third year, which is terrifying to say the least. What's more terrifying is that I've now spent two years of my life in Sheffield, and bar the obvious it's been the best two years of my life (so far). I feel stupidly proud of myself for managing to get in, for taking and passing my exams, for having some of the best friends in the world, and for being so independent. I can still remember the first day of uni, sitting in my strange room that smelt slightly musty and wondering if I was ever going to feel like a part of it all. It seems crazy that back then I worried about not spending time with people 24/7, because then I'd be behind in the "making friends" race.

(This entry may be very long, and kind've dull to anyone who's not me, as I want to remember my last days of second year as well as possible.)

Yesterday seemed like three days rolled into one, so much happened. I didn't go to bed Thursday night until three - desperately revising for my Evolution of Terrestrial Ecosystems exam... yes, that wanky plants exam that I was never going to do well in - and I got up at seven to continue revising. The exam itself was interesting... two essays to write, one I could do really well, and the other not at all, so I'm not sure if I've scraped a pass or not. Once the exam was finished I went onto West Street and bought a camera battery and some razorblades (Mac Three - no way am I paying for real Venus blades, they're at least three quid more expensive) and then met Becky after her exam.

We went to Bar One in the Union and got drunk on Strongbow, dancing in our seats to classic hits such as the Baywatch theme tune. Seriously, we got too excited when it came on. Stayed there until half one, then toddled back home to watch Neighbours. The afternoon was mainly uneventful, and we started getting ready to go out about sixish. Trouble started when Iain (Mel's boyfriend) arrived. They've been having huge arguements all week over Mel deferring two of her exams due to stress issues (panic attacks and lots of crying, it's really not been pleasant, especially when I had to balance looking after her with doing sufficient revision). Iain basically thinks that she's lying when she says she can't control the anxiety, and that she brings it on herself, and that he can't support her in her decision to defer. They had a huge arguement once he arrived up in her room, which is next door to mine, which continued up to the point where we had to leave in order to get to BRBs in time to get our reserved table. Cue all of us standing around in Becky's room with our arms folded, looking tense.

In the end I knocked on her door and told her we were leaving, and they decided to come too. Things between them seemed to improve too, so that was something. We went to BRBs, which is an italian on West Street, and had a truly fantastic meal. It was made infinately more fantastic by Paddy randomly being there too, celebrating the end of his exams with Claire and Neil, so I got to see him for a bit. He is so lovely, and everyone said his face lit up when he saw me, so why the hell are we not together?

We went to Weatherspoons and Sharekeys post meal, and I drank vodka redbull to keep myself awake. At eleven we went off to The Leadmill, which is a club in Sheffield (THE best club in Sheffield, according to my sister, and she's probably right). Dave managed to get us on the guestlist, which was pleasant, as it meant a free drink. I got steadily drunker from this point on, and the rest of the night passed in a whirl of dancing and singing. Found Lisa, who had come with a load of her friends, and did lots of provocative dancing with her and Suzy, no doubt confirming some of my housemates' silent beliefs that I am actually gay.

Came home at half one, got changed into comfier clothes and then went over to Lisa's for her last night before she went home. We had planned to watch the sun rise in the park at the bottom of my road, but realised we were so tired that it would just require too much effort. I ended up staying the night there - Lisa has the comfiest bed ever, it was so nice. Fell asleep at half four, got up at half nine. Lise brought me a cup of tea, bless her.

I say "bless her", but she then roped me into helping her finish packing up her stuff and taking it down to the van. I'm fighting the urge to get all sentimental here, as her leaving has really made me feel quite sad. I'll be seeing her at some point this month, as well as at her party, before she goes to China, and I'm sure I'll see her in the gap between her coming back from China and going to France for a year, but it's still made me pretty depressed.

This has made me realise that I'm definately going to cry when I see her for the last time before she goes off to France. And there was me thinking I'd be able to just suck it up and smile.

Must. Not. Get. Sentimental.

Today has been random as. I did the Walk of Shame back from Lisa's about half twelve, and arrived back to find Michelle preparing to start a random BBQ in our back garden. I say garden, but our garden is actually a slanted mound covered in 5ft tall nettles, so she ended up setting up camp on the path that leads to our two front doors (our house is actually two houses sandwiched together). So yes, we had BBQ magic (for BBQ magic read house filling with smoke and everyone's clothes reeking) for most of the afternoon.

Hannah got all upset because she couldn't come out last night due to her having to work at Bar One, and said that she consequently felt completely left out of everything, and that no one cared that she wasn't there last night. I tried my hardest to be sympathetic and caring, but I was fighting intense sleepiness. Think I did a good enough job though. Also, she could have just booked the night off work, seeing as we've been planning last night for at least a month. I didn't say this though, obviously.

After my Good Friend Deed I went back to bed, and slept for most of the afternoon. Missed Doctor Who (DAMNIT) but it's okay, I can just download it like the big geek attack that I am.

Okay my scroll bar is stupidly small, so I shall stop here. I'm playing Ani DiFranco - Swan Dive, which always reminds me of Lisa anyway, and it's nearly making me cry. What is wrong with me?? She's not leaving for good for at least another three months!

Okay I'll shut up now.

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