
Police drama
23nd June 2005, 11:57 am

Okay I know I've only just written an entry, but we had a quite crazy night last night, and I wanted to write about it before I started to forget.

Before I start though, I just want to talk about something else. Now, I don't normally get mushy in this journal, but last night I went down to the park and watched the sun setting. I lay on my side on the rocks and watched the sky turning slowly from gold to pink to purple, with Ani DiFranco playing in my headphones, and I felt completely at peace with everything, just for that moment. It was so beautiful, and suddenly nothing seemed to matter that much, only that another day was drawing to a close.

Now then, on to last night. I went to bed about midnight, and was woke up at about 2:15 am by a knock on my door from Em and Becky. Apparently Em had come home from the medic social to find a man hanging around in our back garden, talking to someone else who she couldn't see (for those of you who know my house, the bit where the bins are. The path from our gate to our door kind've traces a C shape, with the walls of the kitchen as an obstacle to walk round, so anyone can stand there and not be seen from the house). As soon as he saw her he pinned her up against the wall and shouted, "What the fuck are you doing here?". She told him that she lived there, to which he let her go, shouted to his unseen friend that it was okay, and said, "Fine, well go, fuck off then!". Em then ran indoors, locked everything and then woke Becky and me up.

I put some jeans on and went downstairs, checked everything was locked properly. Em was really shaken up, bless her, and didn't seem to know what to do with herself. I then went upstairs and opened Mel's window (looks out onto our garden from the top floor) and had a look. Couldn't see anything (part of the downstairs roof was in the way) but I heard a bloke shout something, and then footsteps on gravel, walking round and round. The security light was on full too. We phoned 999 then and asked for the police.

Whilst Em was on the phone to the police I was instinctively eyeing up the empty wine bottle on the floor as a potential weapon. I then tried to ring Paddy, again instinctively, but he was asleep and cancelled my call thinking it was a reminder on his phone to ring me. I then rang Rich, who's at home in Nuneaton, but it was good to talk to someone who wasn't in the house. He told me to stop looking for weapons and to just make sure everything was locked up, and said to text him once the police got there.

After endless minutes of feeling scared - though my sodding Atenolol pills didn't actually let me feel properly frightened - the police finally arrived, and checked through our whole garden (it's incredibly overgrown and bushy, and could probably house a whole army unit undercover). There was 8 police there, and a sniffer dog unit, which makes me think they must've had complaints either that night or recently. Anyway, the lead police dude was a lovely Yorkshire bloke with no hair, who told us that they'd checked everything and that the blokes must have gone, but that if we heard anything again to ring them straight away. They left to check the surrounding neighbourhood (I presume), and we finally went to bed at about quarter to four.

Well, Becky and Em went to bed. I stayed up to watch the sunrise, as it was just starting. It was very pretty. Woke up at 11am to Paddy ringing me, very apologetic for red buttoning my call, and I explained what had happened briefly. Talking to him always puts me in a good mood, no exceptions.

So yes, bit of a drama fest last night. I'm hoping Em got some sleep last night, as she was in the Northern General for 9am this morning. Bless her, she said she'd never been as scared as when that guy pinned her against the wall... I think I'd have been similarly scared if it had happened to me. Infinately glad that Mel was not home last night, as she really would have freaked out. We're all going to be paranoid about coming home late at night now, because before we just assumed that once we were through our gate we were fine.

I was going to go to the gym today, but it's just too hot and I'm knackered. Instead I shall watch Wimbledon all afternoon, and possibly start on packing my room up, though I won't raise my hopes too high.

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