
You can't push me around
03.02.06, 12:10 pm

My jeans currently stink of smoke from going out last night. I�m hoping that it�s just going to wear off as the day wears on, because I can�t be arsed to change them for another pair, although if worst comes to the worst I could always just Febreze them. The housekids probably think that our Febreze has just vanished, but it�s really sitting in a box under my bed. There�s actually a website for Febreze, and the alt tag for the image reads, �The more you use it, the more you love it!� That general principle could be applied to so many things... except camomile tea. Camomile tea smells like a meadow and tastes like a meadow, and no amount of drinking it will ever make me like it.

Continuing with the smell theme that I seem to have going on here: I was getting something out of the fridge last night, and accidentally knocked some of Becky�s smoked mackerel onto the floor. I think smoked fish is one of the most rancid things ever created and absolutely hate the stuff, although I realise that�s not the general consensus with the world. Anyway, I decided to pretend it just never fell on the floor, and so picked it up and shoved it back in its packet (Becky�s very protective of her food and her wrath would have been mighty). So of course I got fish smell on my hand, and although I scrubbed my hand in the washing up water I could still smell it. And then I went and put some moisturiser on my face without thinking, so my skin probably smelled vaguely of fish too. For a short period of time, I was the girl with the face that smelled of fish. Man, boys just weren�t safe. Obviously I doused myself in perfume to cover the potential fish issue. My god, why am I even telling you all this? I think it must be because it�s just so nice to be writing about trivial things again, and to not be whining about revision and beginning every single one of my sentences with, �God I�m so pissed off/bored/ready to shoot myself�.

Yes, I went out last night, because exams are now done and I can do fun things once again. I went to Fuzz Club with Becky and Dave to see The Kooks play. I have nothing but big fat heifer-sized love for that band, and they absolutely rocked. However, there was a load of bloody 16-year olds knocking around, and although non-students can go to Fuzz to see the bands it�s still an 18+ venue, so some twatty security guy obviously didn�t give a shit. Chavvy 16-year old Sheffield girls annoy me, especially when they try to walk straight through me as opposed to around me � one nearly severed off my arm as I was going to get my coat, and I decided to handle that by shouting, �Oi love, watch where you�re pissing going next time� in her face. Anyway, gig was very good bar one minor incident.

We were sat in Bleach waiting for the band to come on stage, and I started having a vague anxiety gig issue. I�m not going to explain the reason for the issue, because it�d sound even more stupid and moronic written down, so feel free to make up your own stupid and moronic reason. Anyway, I decided to tell Becky that I was �having a slight anxiety gig� when Dave was off getting a drink. Although the actual anxiety gig soon went and didn�t really affect the night at all, the important thing is that I told Becky the reason for it and she treated it all completely seriously, and didn�t laugh at me for it or make fun of me in any way. Stuff like that makes me really appreciate my friends.

Came home to more domestics involving Hannah. I won�t bore you all with the details, because I also find it all reat yawnworthy, but it�s another rehash of the whole �I feel so left out�, despite having been in Edinburgh for the last few days and there having been no way she could have technically gone out with us. Not that she�d actually say this to us, but instead pushes the issue with passive-aggressive comments. There is going to be a big argument at some point, and knowing my luck probably involving me.

I have really bad sinuses at the moment, which gave me an awful head for the vast majority of yesterday. It�s just waking up and kicking off today too. Me thinks today is going to be a lazy day. On another point, I received an email from BMS317 yesterday, which is the module I had to design that website on the thyroid for, and it basically read as:

Dear student,

This is an email regarding your participation in our forthcoming BMS open days. We�re basically going to make it a requirement that you take a load of kids and their parents around the Biomedical Sciences department in order to pass this module. Whilst any normal student doing this would be paid �6 an hour, we�re not going to be paying you a penny. We are aware that this is complete slave-labour but do not care, because we are the law and if you want to pass the year with 120 credits then you�ll step in line. To give the appearance of this being a valuable aspect of your university education, we�re then going to ask you to write a wanky report of the day, recording any problems you encountered and how you dealt with them effectively. However, we�re going to give the job of marking the reports to a machine, because we don�t actually give a shit about the problems you encountered. All we care about is filling up the course for next year. Please read the attached document regarding the possible roles you can fulfil, and then email back with your choice.


Biomedical Science drone

I�m going to be a general open day guide, and have to do this wonderful task a week on Friday. Friday is my day off, which they�re no doubt aware of. I could have been a Q+A person, a demonstrator or a coach guide, but decided to go with general guide, because this way there�s less risk of me being asked a question requiring knowledge of my degree. Instead I just have to take them around the department and convince them that the place is nothing but a big fat yay.

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