
Sneezed on by a horse
08.03.06, 8:15 pm

Right then. Because I know that the last few entries (in fact, it�s probably more than a few but counting would be depressing) have been pretty miserable to trawl through, I�m going to make a conscious effort to make this damn entry happier. Except I�m going to totally cop out and just post some pictures of happier times, because that requires less writing and no actual news to have happened. Ha!

Actually, some news has indeed happened, but I�ll get to that post-photos. I�m writing this (at least, I was originally) during the time that I�m supposed to be at Cancer Biology. Paddy�s currently at home too, because he�s just texted me to ask if I�m staying down at Uni during the gap between our second lecture and our lab session (because I know you�re all dying to know the answer to that: yes, yes I am!). We�re blatantly just going to sack off the rest of the module now because it�s so very much not worth getting up for. Anyway sorry, pictures:

So that�s me and Becky in the park by our house. I�m aware that I�m pulling a really stupid pose.

Mel playing Aladdin on my Mega Drive. Yes, I have a Dr Who poster.

Bit of a geekfest I know, but that�s my lovely desk from over the summer. You can see my evil lab notebook and my shiny Apple Mac and the University of Sheffield homepage. That�s where I bored you all stupid with tales of lifts and rain and geeky lab dealings.

I have to pause here to say that Becky�s lolling around on my bed watching telly, and has just asked me if I�ve ever been licked by a cow. In case anyone wants to know: I haven�t and she has, but I have been sneezed on by a horse.

That�s the snowman that Mel and me made... I have a stupid smile on my face. Man, and my hair looks really long and it's really not. I swear I�m the most unphotogenic person ever.

Me with the snowman again, holding its little sticky arms. Again with the stupid smile. My eyes are blue, although they can look green in dim light, and are obviously exactly the right shade to induce stupid re-eye every single time.

Sorry that it�s so dark, but I look really stupid on the ones taken with flash. Me, Hannah, Vicky and Aaron at the football � they tried to make me wear the Lesbian Hat because it was apparently cold enough to for wearing it to become legal, but I wasn't having any of it. Plus I'm not nesh.

Me and Mel at the football, with our best cheesy smiles. The guy sat behind us is giving the camera a really creepy look that I've only just noticed.

Randomly, that�s my dad riding a camel in the desert by the pyramids in Egypt, which he sent to me whilst I was slogging it through my exams (THANKS DAD). So many things are wrong with this photo, but I�ll just point out the weird skullcap hat, the camel with the crazy axe-murderer eyes and the bloody desert camouflage trousers. He was all proud because he bought those trousers from Primark for 45p or something, AND they came with a matching jacket.

Obviously none of my photo entries are complete without a totally nobtastic one of me. That�s me posing in Mel�s room, wearing my scruffy weekend clothes and my YMCA hat. Yet another stupid expression on my face, and it was taken ages ago so my hair looks really long.

So, let�s get down to some news. Currently a lot of housekid stress, what with Mel deciding to write back to Iain�s nasty letter, only her letter sounds distinctly grovelling. It�s turned into a case of not understanding why the hell she�s doing what she�s doing, but having to support her all the same anyway. Hannah�s probably pissed off at me because I�ve decided to just go out to the meal for her birthday on Saturday, and not go on to Pop Tarts (Union night) afterwards. This is due to my frankly fucking horrendous money situation, which is about to get even worse as we had a water bill today. I bet she is pissed off but she�s got no bloody right to be, because everyone knows that I�m the poorest person in this house, and that my dad can�t afford to give me a loan because he�s poor too. Plus, you know, I don�t get my rent paid for me unlike some people. I really REALLY want to get out of this house at the moment, really want to go somewhere that isn�t Sheffield and talk to people who don�t know the housekids and do things that don�t remind me of Paddy.

Paddy situation is still here and the Hannah situation can only explode at some point. To be quite honest, this is my general reaction to it:

Obviously it�s very easy to say that now; unfortunately everything sneaks up on me at night and I just feel a bit shit. He�s just everywhere and there�s no getting away from him, and I don�t even want to get away from him anyway. Spent a very pleasant lunch with Paddy, B and Kull in the food court eating cake and doing some work, and then killing time by firstly remembering all the seven deadly sins and then trying to remember/guess the seven wonders of the world. No on believed my insistence that one was a bridge like the Golden Gate Bridge (thinking about it I was totally wrong), but Kull duly wrote �Bridge (Golden Gate twin)� on the list. And then some strange man with a long scraggly beard and a big green mac, who had been sat on the next table, suddenly wandered over to us and told us that we�d missed off the Coliseum. To be quite honest I was expecting him to lean over and make a pervy comment about my boobs or something.

Anyway yeah, crappy crappy Paddy situation and stupid housekids and general rubbishness. Sorry, I was trying to not let this entry contain any angst and I�ve blatantly failed. Damnit, I was so close as well! It�s okay, maybe I�ll suddenly lose what little grasp I have on my emotions or I�ll flee the country or win the Lottery or something. Or maybe Hannah will just give it to me with both barrels and Paddy will go find himself a girlfriend that�s not me and I can stop thinking that I�m in with a shot. Oh whatever.

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