
Three day summary
27.12.05, 9:36 pm

As always, as soon as I stop writing for a few days about ten important events happen. I can write an entry a day for a week with sod all happening, and then as soon as I skip two days something monumentous happens. I apologise if this entry ends up huge� you know how I like to bang on.

So, Christmas. Mine was actually quite good this year, which makes a change. No angst, arguments, deaths or sudden rushes to hospital, which is how most of them have gone over the years. Sorry, I am too flippant sometimes and it must get incredibly annoying. No, the day was most pleasant, made more so by the fact that I received my electric guitar. My guitar is the most beautiful thing in the world... it�s so beautiful that I�ve decided that it has to be a girl, and have consequently named her Maria. I�m not sure if you�re meant to name guitars or not, but seeing as mine are the most precious things I own I thought I�d go ahead. Anyway, I�ll stop banging on about bloody guitars now.

Boxing Day we trawled down the M62 and then the M1 to my gran�s. We passed by Sheffield on the way, and driving past the big twin chimneys next to the motorway reminded me of the first day of university (Why yes, it is nostalgia lane again!) Driving down with my dad on the 20th September 2003 and seeing those big chimneys was the first time that I started to feel apprehensive about uni. Until then I�d followed my standard plan of �No point worrying until we actually get there!�, which worked great, but as soon as I noticed those chimneys and realised how close I was to Sheffield I started to get a little worried about doing the big uni thing. And then we were suddenly there and I was looking up at my big Hall of Residence tower block called Sorby and wondering what the hell I was getting myself into. That�s a story for another day though, back to Boxing Day.

My gran�s was just one big food festival. Seriously, she excelled herself this year; I have never seen so much food in my life. If I put on about three stone it�s all her fault. I dunno, the whole thing was very familyish and cosy, and made me feel a little suffocated. Man, I blatantly have family issues. To counter my stupid neuroses I turned to alcohol, which is always wonderfully reliable, and after that things went smoothly. Bed time did not go smoothly. I spent the night on the living room floor on an airbed that had no air, trying to get comfy whilst my sister talked in her sleep about wombats or something. Yay for the airbed with a leak! Yay for my sister who won�t shut up even in slumber! You never realise how bony you actually are until you try to sleep on a hard floor; I have fallen out with both of my hipbones.

Just noticed that Amy�s current MSN name is �From the brightest stars come the blackest holes�. That makes no sense at all.

The day after Boxing Day I woke up very tired and vaguely grumpy, but that soon disappeared when I went to the pub in Hucknall to meet up with my lovely, lovely friends � that�s Lise, Lisa and Standy if anyone�s keeping records. I love them all a huge, huge amount, and the two hours I got to spend with them brightened my day a lot. I could�ve stayed all afternoon, but had to be dragged away to do more sodding Family Time. They�re like my family too, but I didn�t bother pointing that out. It also snowed quite a lot too, which added to the whole enjoyment factor. I�m still a child when it comes to snow. Snow is a good thing.

Tomorrow will be the official start of revision, with hopefully more exercise and less eating taking place. I have hypno technically next Wednesday, but I�m considering cancelling and not going anymore. One of these days I�m going to try and write an entry about what we talk about in my hypno sessions. I�m sorry; I�m not in a good place at all tonight and this entry�s reading really clumsily, so I shall stop and attempt to explain myself in the next entry.

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